Hey check me out, trying to get on a video too. :) Be sure to look at the entry I just put on with some really cute Jake pictures. But I really wanted to share this video too. Jake loves pushing his big, ride on dump truck around and so I was getting a fun video of it. But be sure you have your volume on at the end and listen to him say "whoops" for the first time...its really cute.
Monday, May 31, 2010
My Crazy Adorable Son
Good Morning All!!! I am having a wonderful morning, my wonderful husband stayed up with my son this morning so I could sleep and then when I woke up at a blissful 9am, they were both asleep. Does it get better than that??? So here I am blogging...then I will do laundry. lol
Anywho, Jake is so much fun right now as he has entered the stage of really loving to push his toys around, actually interact with you while you play, and is enjoying trying to feed himself...quite a mess but cute. Here are some wonderful pictures to enjoy!
Yes this is an occasion where Jake wanted to help Mommy feed him. I always give him a spoon too when I feed him and now he wants to stick the spoon in his food as well. This was a spaghetti night.
And now you will see him pushing some of his favorite toys. Here is his big school bus...
...his airplane
...his lawn mower...
...ok, just an adorable picture of him
...and his black truck. But he will really push anything. He has a puzzle with trucks and he even tries to push those. :)
Anywho, Jake is so much fun right now as he has entered the stage of really loving to push his toys around, actually interact with you while you play, and is enjoying trying to feed himself...quite a mess but cute. Here are some wonderful pictures to enjoy!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Jake Crawling to the Water
So here is the video that I promised long ago of Jake crawling into the water at the beach. Our brave little surfer baby!!! :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
The rest of the Hawaii Pics
Ahh, after much delay here are the rest of our Hawaii pics. :) Sorry for the delay. I will add some videos later but we can enjoy these for now. Jake is now 14 months old which I still find incredible, and he is a very active boy. Very curious and always getting into things. He really wants to feed himself but is not very good at it (picture to come in a future blog, can climb stairs (which he learned to do in Hawaii) and will do it every chance he gets, is currently walking on his knees, and will stand on his own for a few seconds before tumbling down. :) And he is still pushing anything around that has wheels, with his own sound effects that sounds like '''hhhhhwwwwoooooooooo." It really is cute. Anywho more of that to come, but here are the rest of the pics.
The family at Turtle Beach
Ryan and Jake :)
Our family swimming in the waterfall. :) Jake did so well, we were amazed. First we carried him in in his life jacket and he did great...not even a peep. Then we tried the boogie board and he was a natural. Beautiful place...our favorite part of the trip.
"Surfer Baby"
Grabbing a drink after his swim.
We then went to the Dole pineapple plant...Jake fit right in. :)
"Wo dad!!! I am standing on the car!!!
Ric and Amanda were awesome and watched Jake one night so we could go on a date. Here we are in North Shore where we went to dinner and had this awesome view.
"The Crew" The kids really did seem to have a great time and Jake loved having them all to play with every day.
It was a wonderful trip and we will always be thankful to the Trimillos' for letting us stay with them and showing us all over the island. It was a fantastic vacation!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Hawaii Trip part 2
Hey two blog entries in one day :D This is how I play catchup and start sharing my pictures quickly. :) Here are some more beautiful Hawaii pictures to share.
Our view at breakfast after church....not bad. :)
We took this amazing drive through the rain forest...you opened your window and it sounded like you were on the Jungle Boat Ride at Disneyland. :D
Jake and I at the top of Round Top
Family Pic at the top of Round Top...that is Waikiki Beach in the background.
Ryan and Ric...can you tell these two are trouble when they are together???
This was our view from our table (with Emily enjoying the fish)...yeah awesome restaurant with an aquarium in it...the kids were thrilled, and us adults were a little excited too :)

Ryan, Jake, little Matt and I at Inspiration Point (University of Hawaii Arboretum)
Jake did so well on the hike, but fell asleep right before reaching the little waterfall.
It was warm, rainy and the kids were falling asleep...so we were glad to make it. :D
On this day we went to "Dog Beach" which was great because it was really shallow and allowed Jake to get comfortable. So he and his Daddy are checking it out.
Now many thought we were nuts but we went on a few hikes while we were there, with 4 adults and 4 kids under age 3. hehe Each of us had a kid strapped on us ( I have a picture of all of us on another computer...will have to post that one later), but we still had a blast and the kids were all great.
Jake's Vacation in Hawaii Part 1 :)
Well hello everyone, sorry its been so long..once again. But we have a lot going on in our lives right now and to top it all off we were just in Hawaii for 8 days. :D I know, it was really rough but Ryan just finished getting his master's and we decided to celebrate by going to visit our friends Ric and Amanda who just happened to be stationed in Hawaii. We had a really wonderful time with them and I will have to put in a few blogs just to cover all the awesome things that we did while we were there. :)
And lots has changed with Jake too, he has now swam in the ocean with Mommy and Daddy, crawled into the ocean all on his own, floated on a boogie board while next to a waterfall, can eat a banana by biting without us having to cut it up, he LOVES to push his cars and trucks around and he is has currently gone almost 3 days without his pacy (OK that one he is not doing too well on but hey we are getting it done and soon he will not even miss it...I hope) But some of those are pictures that you can look forward to seeing. But lets just start out with some of those pics before my son breaks down into another I want my pacy meltdown. :)
The morning of the flight Ryan and I are quickly getting ready while Jake unpacks the backpack to see what goodies we brought him.
Jake was a trooper this night as it was getting late and even later for him due to the three hour time difference. But he still enjoyed getting to know his new friends Matt and Nicole.
Jake and Mommy at the beach in Waikiki...this was our first night there as our friends took us here for dinner on the beach and to watch the fireworks.
Family shot.
A very happy boy with a very happy Daddy.
Our little friend Emily who Jake really enjoyed playing with the whole time we were there...she was very sweet to him and they were so much fun to watch.
Our first full day in Hawaii...and as you can see...Jake is ready to go and see the island.
Jake holding a coconut at the Hawaiian Flea Market where we got most of our souvenirs.
And lots has changed with Jake too, he has now swam in the ocean with Mommy and Daddy, crawled into the ocean all on his own, floated on a boogie board while next to a waterfall, can eat a banana by biting without us having to cut it up, he LOVES to push his cars and trucks around and he is has currently gone almost 3 days without his pacy (OK that one he is not doing too well on but hey we are getting it done and soon he will not even miss it...I hope) But some of those are pictures that you can look forward to seeing. But lets just start out with some of those pics before my son breaks down into another I want my pacy meltdown. :)
And Jake's first time in the ocean. At first Ryan set him feet on the sand so he could just put his feet in. Yeah that resulted in screaming, so we stopped that. But we quickly found that if we just held him we could walk all the way into the water and he was completely relaxed and fine (as long as he had his trusty pacy that is...he had it a bit more than normal on this trip with all the new things he did) But here you can see him with Ryan on his first ever dip into the ocean.
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