Wednesday, December 16, 2009

9 month old Jake

Hey look at me...for once I am a day early in the big turn of the month blog. :) Tomorrow Jake is going to be 9 months old...I just cannot believe it. I have the most wonderful, loving, silly cuddly, smart, affectionate, goofy,etc,etc,etc...son. I love this little boy so much and cannot believe how blessed we are that God chose us to raise such a wonderful child of his. At this almost 9 month mark Jake can now clap (although not on command), rock back and forth on his hands and knees and pretty much get where he wants to go by rolling, turning on his belly and going backwards. And he is already starting to get into things...we are now in trouble. :) But here are some new pictures of our little Jakey Bear.
Wearing Daddy's hat as we got out the Christmas stuff.
Ahhh, the adorable men in my life...I love them both so much.
My silly boy has a little play area and he somehow got himself almost completely underneath the coffee table...he does not seem too worried though. :)
I had to get some sort of before and after shot of this. This is Jake's little play area that we set up for him. All nice and together and there for him to tear apart...
And here is is a picture after hurricane Jake. :) hehe, he really does have a fun time..and that is what it is there for.
Jake's first Christmas tree...he really does not understand the whole tree in the house thing. But here he is with Daddy checking out the decorated tree for the first time.
Happy Boys
"wow...where can I put this one?"
Jake found his books all on his own on this particular night...and had no problem getting them out to find one he wanted. A new "Bob the Builder" book.

And for your viewing pleasure here is a little video of Jake "rocking." Its not a great one but sometimes its hard to catch him doing things and get a good video. Of course since I took this he does it a lot more. :)
I hope everyone is having a great week and looking forward to Christmas next week!!! :D

Monday, December 14, 2009

Jake's 1st Christmas Portraits

Well I have some really cute pictures of Jake to share from the past week but I just had to share these first...I will put the other ones on in a couple of days. But these are Jake's Christmas pictures that we took before Thanksgiving and I have to say that they turned out adorable. He was in such a smiley mood and so we were quite thrilled. Hope you enjoy them. :)

Great picture and if you look under his tongue you can see his first and so far only tooth.
ooooohhhhh...this picture makes us laugh every time we see it. I think Ryan showed him a bear to get him to smile and it turned out he was very excited to see it. hehe
Happy Santa Baby
Ahhhhhh...cute little man
The Brown Family Christmas 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jake's First Thanksgiving

Well last week was Jake's first Thanksgiving and he seemed to be very amused by it all, we tried some real grown up foods on him to interesting results and introduced him to crazy black Friday shopping. He really seemed to like that, but I think it had more to do with spending lots of time in a shopping cart...he loves to do that and spends his time looking all around like a big boy. :) Below are some of the pictures of his first Thanksgiving meal and of course just more cuteness. :)

OK Dad, what is that?
"Hmmmm...mashed potatoes. Kinda boring...I think I will like them more with some butter and lots of gravy when I am older."
"Sweet potatoes....
"....I thought people said these would have brown sugar and all sorts of goodies in them...I got the plain ones."
".....ahhhhhh full Thanksgiving tummy...all full of baby food Apple Turkey Cranberry, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and of course the best desert ever...banana puffs!!!"
"Welcome to the gun show"
"Hey everybody...I hope you have a good week!"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

8 + Months

Sorry I am about a week late on has just been busy lately, and its about to get a whole lot crazier with the holidays coming up. But I love it! :) So Jake is now a big 8 months old and he is learning so many new things. This week alone he started two new things. He is now feeding himself puffs...not really well but it is adorable to watch. As soon as one hits the tray he grabs it (with his right hand) and while most of the time it is in his palm he does everything he can to get it in his mouth. Sometimes they make it and sometimes they start to melt in his hand and soon find themselves stuck to his bib, sleeve, shirt, tray or chest. Ahhhh, the mess begins. :) He has also started to do "Fish lips" which is really cute...sometimes he gets really excited about it and "fish lips" turn into "old man" which is pretty funny. But when he does it he makes a kissing sound and it is just too cute. He is still eating like a champ and at this point he seems to like everything we put in front of him. He is also quite a loud child, always making sounds like mamamamama, waaawawawaawawaa, bababa, ahhhhhhhhh, etc. And of course he is a boy and so he has started to grunt quite often...almost offsets the times that he squeals like a girl. hehe He can also go directly from sitting to his belly. Not quite at crawling yet but he can definitely life his upper torso off the ground and does it all the time. It's all in his own time, and it's cute to watch him spin in circles, scoot backwards and roll over to sometimes get where he wants to go. He is still my adorable and playful boy and I love him so much. So enough of the mushy stuff, here are some new pictures:

Jake and Dad were playing around here, frightening that they both made goofy faces at the same time. Like father like son. :)
Ahhh, but they are so sweet together. I love seeing these bonding moments where you can see the love between them.
We recently moved our furniture around so it give Jake a nice little play area right in front of us. Although on this evening he was trying to escape out of it...unfortunately the wall got in his way.
And my boy does have hair now, its just a very blond peach fuzz (although its about an inch long at one point on the top of his head) its hard to see in pictures. So here he is trying out a new type of hair. What do you think?
"This playing stuff sure does make me sleepy"
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone and safe travels to everyone flying or hitting the road.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

First Tooth!!!

...well part of it anyway. :) On Wednesday Jake cut his first tooth...his right front bottom one to be exact. He is being a brave little boy and is doing pretty well with it so this point its a white spot on his gum but it used to be just a white it is making its slow progression to see the world. I had not really expected it and we have had a lot of false teething alarms, so Wednesday when I just felt his lower gum with my finger I was really surprised to feel something sharp (and holy cow are baby teeth sharp). But we are quite proud!

So that's the big news, last week I had mentioned how Jake has figured out how to scoot backwards on his tummy. He really does not do it all that often at this point but he definitely can do it if he puts his mind to it. Below is a picture of his furthest distance. He started out at the first doorway...and ended up here. :)
As you can see he might have gone farther but he kinda got stuck. :)
Ahhh...and my boy playing, he loves to sit or lay on the floor and play and wiggle around.
Jake's first introduction to a box...I think he may enjoy it a little. :D
Oh my adorable boy...he was sitting nicely on the floor playing with his toys when he saw one of his blankets under the coffee table...he grabbed it and decided to pull it over himself and play for a little bit. He really is quite the smart little guy. The other day a plastic bottle was out of his reach and so he grabbed his teething ring to extend his reach and then went for it again...he did this two separate times...we are proud parents of this smart little boy. :)
Is there anything more precious than a sleeping baby.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hello everyone! Well the newest with Jakey is that he is learning to scoot himself backwards on his tummy. He does not do it all the time but he can actually do it quite well when he wants to...its pretty cute. Although this could be his first step towards mobility and yikes!!!...we are in trouble. :) But I will try and get some pictures on soon.
Until then here are some pictures for you to enjoy. Here is one with one of his favorite toys....yes a water bottle. :) Between these and yogurt cups this boy is easy to please.
Happy boy with his daddy
Something Jake loves to do is to play with his car seat when we take him out of it...he loves playing with all the buckles and belts.
He also loves just to play with his toys right now and will happily sit there all by himself as he pulls toys out of his basket and inspects and plays with each one.
Cute Boy
And for your video this week... :D Jake adores puffs and it is so cute to watch him gum them. I really think he would eat the entire container if we let him...pretty good for not having any teeth.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Who is that Yoda???
For Jake's first Halloween he was Yoda, a costume that his daddy picked out and I think was absolutely did others. :) We went to a friend's house for Halloween and Jake had a great time looking at all the kids and adults in their costumes. Such a great time and it was so much fun to watch our little boy play dress up for the first time..and he did not even mind the Yoda head...a great trooper!!!
Can't find green face paint for a baby...but a green pacy seemed to work just fine. :)
And yes, Ryan and I dressed up too as everyone was going to at our friend's we tried to stick to the theme. We looked late and so I ended up going with this tavern lady costume and just told everyone that I worked at Mos Eisley Cantina. :)

....and daddy was none other than....Darth Vader....Yoda was unsure at their encounter
"I will beat you Darth Vader!!!"

...oh its just daddy...isn't he silly

Have a great week everyone....I will post more pics of the past week in a day or two.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

7 Months Old!!!

Well I am a few days late on this one, but I am now the mother of a 7 month old. I cannot believe that he is getting so is all just going by so fast. But I am loving watching him learn new things and take so much interest in the things around him. And it is so much fun to be able to play with him and see his personality start to develop. So for those of you who do not get to see him often or have not met him yet here are some facts about Jake:
- can sit on his own
- loves to roll over on his tummy and will now NOT sleep on his back
- can lean over and pick up a toy and then sit back up
- can kinda use a sippycup...although his coordination is still a little rough on this he can get a little all by himself
- can eat puffs but gumming and sucking on them
- can hold his weight on his legs for a short moment
- has all the pieces of crawling and is working hard trying to figure out how to put them together
- can put his pacy in his mouth
- has eaten squash, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, peas, apple sauce, pears, bananas, prunes, peaches, and turkey....loves squash, peas, pears, veggie and turkey blend, and harvest squash turkey...and of course his new love of puffs...can't figure out how to get them from his hand to his mouth yet (but its cute to watch him try)
- favorite toy - yogurt cup :) whatcha gonna do hehe
So that is my son :) Here are some new pictures of him.

Jake working on his new sippy cup skill.
He loves to sit up in front of his play mat and grab the hanging toys.
Cute boy
" Isn't Daddy silly!!!"
Jake with his beloved yogurt cup
Now this really needed two pictures to fully appreciate :) Once Jake decided he was sleeping on his tummy he also found new positions to sleep in. This is one he does quite often and it is just so darn cute. :) He sleeps with his knees under him and his butt in the air. I caught him the other night so you could all see.

I love my son...such a cutie.
And since Jake is 7 months old I figured it was time for another is one of him rolling over and then looking around. He loves rolling over now and has gotten pretty quick at it.

Have a great week everyone!!!