on Friday Jake turned a year and a half old. I still can't get over that. When did my little baby boy turn into this little kid. Time is passing so quickly...I just want it to slow down. :) But he is at such a fun age right now and I am enjoying every minute of it, even with him getting seven teeth in the last 9 weeks. :) But on his half birthday we took him to get new pictures. It was a fussy day but we still managed to get some good shots. Hope you enjoy. :)

Ahhhh...such a cute boy

Jake with his beloved Patrick. This is not his sleeping stuffed animal but his favorite playmate. :) family picture. Jake's aunt Bethany and Uncle Chuck happened to be here too on their way to moving to NC, and so we got to get this great family pic. Jake was laughing at the photographer for trying to get him to smile.

We call this Jake's GQ picture. :)
Ah and a normal moment with Patrick...the hat is often in the mouth these days...could be all those new teeth coming in. :)

And this one is too great not to share. Jake somehow has learned to share this wonderful smile every time we ask him for a "cheesy grin" The photographer loved it and was even asking to see it after we were done taking pictures. My adorable little boy.
Hope you have enjoyed and I do have many of our own pictures to share...hopefully I will have them up soon. Have a great week everyone.
He is such a ham.... vaguely reminds me of someone. hmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteIt was so much fun to be able to have all of us there for the photos! We did work hard to get them, didn't we? My favorite (besides the fam. foto) is the cheesy grin...that is priceless. Thanks for the great visit!
ReplyDeleteGrama and Grampa B.
Cute pics! Give Bethany and Chuck our address. So nice to have folks moving our way. Anyone else want to change their zip code?