Wednesday, August 31, 2011
AJ at One Week and his Loving Big Bro :)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
A "Pound It" From Big Brother
I really wanted to get this up on the Blog as well. We have not been sure how Jake was going to react to a baby being brought into his life and while he is still not to sure he is doing really well, ignoring AJ a lot and giving me some looks for holding his little Brother instead of him but he is behaving really well. But the one thing that he will do with his little brother is give him kisses and of course in the typical boy fashion...."Pounding it" with his baby bro. :) So here he is giving his brother his first "Pound it" in the hospital. :)
Introducing Austin Jonah Brown!!!!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Sounds of Jake :)
So Jake really has a lot of words right now and always seems to surprise us with new ones...he is even saying "please" more often when we ask him. :D But instead of using them he often chooses to babble in his own language for quite some time. I wanted to get a recording of it but every time I get out my camera he stops. So the other day while he was supposed to be going down for a nap, he "talked" for about 25 minutes straight. hehe...I love hearing it and so recorded it so I could have it for a keepsake. Monitor picture does not really show up on the camera but I really just wanted the sound you can listen and try to decipher his language. :)
What is really funny about him talking is that he is so darn serious about it...and if you ask him what he said chances are he is going to repeat it in exactly the same way. I love my little boy so much!!!
In other news :) I am scheduled for my c-section a week from tomorrow (Aug 22) and I can hardly wait. Not only am I ready not to be pregnant anymore but I can hardly wait to meet my little AJ and see what he is like. As for Jake....the boy really needs a playmate too. Lately he wants to play with our dog Piper all the time and when he wears her out and she stops playing, Jake starts to cry. Sooooooo sad. So he may not be too happy when we bring AJ home from the hospital, but he will love him when he is a bit older. :)