On St. Patrick's Day our big boy Jake turned 4 years old. He had a wonderful Birthday weekend with both of his Grandmas and both of his Pas staying with us. With wonderful hang out times, swim lessons, bouncing, a party, watching many of his favorite super hero shows, and having a beautiful weekend so my outdoor boy could spend a lot of time running around the backyard. Funny thing was that his Birthday had not even happened yet. :) But he had a great Birthday with more family fun, going to Sunday School at church, some amazing birthday gifts, one of his favorite dinners (meat loaf and mashed potatoes), and just being a really happy boy. I was so happy to see what a great time he had over the weekend, Jake is a wonderful little boy and he deserved every moment of it. A lot had changed over the past 4 years, he is not that little baby we brought home from the hospital anymore. He is an energetic, happy, smart, talkative, loving, sweet little boy that adores his baby brother, is a big helper around the house, loves going to "school" as he calls speech, can hardly wait for every Thursday to come around so he can go to AWANA, loves to color and write his favorite letters "J" and "O", sing "Jesus Loves Me," build with blocks, go swimming and play with his friends. He is such a sweet boy that will randomly run up to me, throw his arms around me and tell me"I love you Mommy." :) We love our little Jakey Bear / Spiderman (yes he always introduces himself these days by either of those names) so much and we are so proud of him. Happy 4th Birthday Jake, we love you!!!
Showing off his special Birthday card
Jake was pretty excited to get his first comic book...Spiderman of course :)
He was so excited to open his presents
Spiderman and Ironman "guys"...oh the fun both he and AJ have had with these already
Jake's big birthday gift was this little scooter. We told him he had to wear his helmet and so he ran upstairs and dug out his knee pads too. A safe boy. :)
I think he likes his new toy :)
Jake and AJ having a good time together in the backyard
Ahhhhh....AJ. This is what happens when my sweet little boy hears someone say "Babies gone wild" LOL
Getting a moment to check out one of the new cool toys
Our boys spent a good part of the afternoon running around the backyard with the new superhero toys and flying them around
Jake is very serious about his superheros. :)
Such a big boy, 4 years old, looking to start Preschool this August, Dressing himself and doing all sorts of other Big Boy things. Took him for his 4 year check-up and he is 42lbs 14oz (97th percentile) and 44" tall (98th percentile) and doing great. So enjoying year 4 of his life and looking forward to every new skill and accomplishment!
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