Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Halloween Festivities

The boys were spoiled this year with multiple Halloween activities.  It was a little crazy actually and a TON of candy was collected, but they had a wonderful time.  We first went to Haunt the Zoo at the OKC zoo with our Lifegroup and all of our kids.  Crazy but very fun and entertaining.  Then the kids had a harvest festival at the church they go to for AWANA.  A ton of carnival games, dinner, and a bonfire at the end where both of our boys recited a memory verse in front of the whole crowd.  We were very proud of both of them!  :)  And then of course was Halloween itself!  We went with some friends this year and the kids made a major haul.  It was all a lot of fun and so enjoyable to watch the boys having such a good time.
The zoo event is very popular so we had to get there a little early to line up.
Note, there are two Spidermen in this group.  This one with AJ (who is looking a little worried by the way) is their buddy Lucas.  Jake is more of a bright red.
My boys ready to take on the zoo!
Who will win in a fight?  A Spiderman, a Captain America or an the Alligator from Jake and the Neverland Pirates?
AJ has his treat bag and is ready to go
A bit strange to get candy from two M&Ms if you ask me  :)
They loved seeing all of the fun displays
Some of our kids taking advantage of a photo op
The big boys checking out a spooky display
Of course all the boys were very excited to see Batman and Robin!
...and the Minion :)
A picture of 8 of our 11 kids...did I mention how hard it is to get them all in one picture together?  :)
The boys were tired at the end of the night but very happy...especially as they sampled some of their candy
Here they are at the Harvest Festival.  Jake decided he wanted to dress up as Iron Man for this event.  Luckily we have a good amount of costumes for dress up :)
Halloween night the boys are ready to go!
Jake was really following my directions for a big smile :)
The kids went to so many houses in our neighborhood that they kept taking rests on the lawn :)
AJ thought his glow stick was a light saber  :)
Here is an intimidating bunch, Batman, Robin and Spiderman!
At the end of trick or treating we stopped at our friend's for refreshments
Never seen a Alligator ride a scooter before :)
The boys had quite the haul, and the scary thing is that this does not include the candy from the zoo or the harvest festival.
Jake was a little excited....or over sugared...not sure which. :)
AJ studying each piece.
It was a great Halloween and while there are more activities to do around here...we thought we would save more of them for next year.  :)

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