Thursday, March 26, 2009

One week old..and some :)

Well I know that I am 2 days late on the one week old...but what can I say. :)

On Tuesday Jake turned a week old. It is amazing how fast that week went and wow can I say that I have an amazing baby. I know, everyone says that...but he really is not of the norm. Starting on Tuesday night Jake has been going to sleep around 11 pm, then waking and we feed him around 3am and then wakes up around 6am. Ryan and I are actually getting streaks of sleep together. Then yesterday the poor little guy had to get circumcised and he actually slept through it. When they brought him back to me he was just looking around and wanted to be fed. The rest of the day he slept a bit, ate and was pretty much my same happy little boy. See...he is remarkable. :)

But I am just so in love with this little guy, he is so amazingly cute. And he is already getting bigger. He has been a good eater from the beginning and as a result is already climbing above his birth weight. Yesterday they weighed him and he is currently at 11 lbs 3 oz. He went down to
10 lbs 5 oz at the hospital but now thanks to breastfeeding he is growing like a champ. They said he was in the 99th percentile in weight and 96th in length.

Here is a picture of him at his one week mark:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More pictures

Well here are some more pictures of little Jake to enjoy. :D

Picture of him in the nursery right after he was born:

First family picture in the hospital:
We are going home!!!
On Jake's first Sunday on this world he went with us to church and so he wanted to look real nice :)
Jake absolutely loves his arms and hands..he is constantly moving them all over the place...well unless he is sound asleep...then maybe his "orchestra" can stop:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Story

Alrighty, Jake is fed and sleeping on his daddy's chest and our wonderful parents are currently taking care of now I can type. :)

So our son Jake came into the world very very quickly. Tuesday morning was a morning like any other and nothing felt any different. I was going to be going to the park with a bunch of friends and their kids and so I took a shower and got ready to go meet them there at 10am. Around 9:30 am I felt a little cramping and then quickly realized that I was passing my mucus plug. So like any first time pregnant woman I ran to my books to remind myself of what that meant. It could be the early sign of labor...or it could mean labor was 3 days away. So I called Ryan just to let him know, then called my friend Amanda who was also going to the park to see what she knew if I should be doing anything differently. She recommended that I call my doctor and see what he said. So I called Kaiser and they told me to call the Women's Pavilion at AV hospital which is where I would be going when I had the baby. They told me that since I was past my due date it would probably be a good idea to come by and just be checked. Especially if I felt I might be "leaking." Which I felt just a little. So I tried getting ahold of Ryan again but unfortunately did not have luck at that moment. By this time my friend Amanda called me back to see what I had heard and she offered to come and get me and drive me down...which I took her up on. Thank you so much Amanda for loading me and all my hospital things for a trip that I was pretty sure I would just be sent home from. By this time I did get ahold of Ryan by talking to his cubemate and so he was going to meet us there. So we arrive at the hospital and as soon as I get out of the car I definitely feel leaking. Next thing I know we are in triage and the lady is checking me out....yes I am definitely leaking a fair amount and at this point I am finally dilated to 2 cm. Not much but very nice that something was finally happening. Then as soon as she finished checking me my water full on ruptured and she looked at us and told us we were definitely staying. :D The next step was an ultrasound. My doctor had been watching me very closely during the last month of my pregnancy because he knew that Jake was getting really big. My last ultrasound was a week and a half before and put him at 9 lbs 7 oz...but there was also a lot of possibility for error. That was still under the limit of the size baby I could safely deliver and so my doctor wanted to wait and see if I went it to labor soon and then watch me very carefully during labor. So here we are at the ultrasound room and Ryan sees on the screen that he is measuring at 11 lbs 6oz +/- 2 lbs. So we get back to triage and 5 minutes labor a doctor comes in and says that the baby is too big and that we are going to have a ceasection. Not a huge shock for us as we had been warned that this was a possibility for some time. So Ryan asks when this might happen and to our surprise he says in about 30 minutes. :0 Since my water had broken they wanted to get him out as soon as possible. So before we know it I am in the OR and here comes Jake weighing in at 10 lbs 10 oz and 22" long. So basically in less than 6 hours I went from nothing happening to seeing my son and kissing him for the first time. :D

Everything was perfect he just had some fluid in his lungs which is very common for ceasection babies as it is not squeezed out of them during delivery. So he ended up staying in the nursery until 6am the next morning and so my family was very busy taking a bunch of pictures and bringing them back and forth to me. Ryan did get to hold him twice during this time and he was so in love with him it was adorable. But at 5:30 am the next morning we got the all clear that everything was in the clear and he came into my room at 6am and I got to hold him and feed him for the first time. I will never forget looking at him in my arms and asking him how the heck he had fit in me not even 24 hours before. :)

But we were in the hospital until yesterday afternoon (Fri) and so we have been home for a day now and it is awesome. He is such an adorable little boy and he is already winning many hearts around here. :) And we actually were spoiled by a pretty good first night home. Luckily he is quite the eater and my milk had already come in on Thursday night so he is getting the good stuff. Last night we got him to sleep around midnight and then he slept for 2 hours, ate and then slept for almost another 2 hrs. He spoiled us. :) But we are so in love with him and can hardly wait to share him with all of you.

Well I need to get going now but as soon as I have time to download the pictures from my camera I will put more online. Luckily my parents had put some of theirs on my computer a few days ago and so I was able to get the one in the last entry this morning. Right now I am mostly sitting and so I am not getting up to often to get things. But I am doing really well. :)

Thank you guys for all of your well wishes and we will look forward to sharing more with you.

Jacob Davis Brown

Hello everyone. Well I think we faked everyone out by how quickly Jake came into the world. Believe me it was a whirlwind of activity. I will get the whole story in here hopefully later today but for now here is a picture so I do not start getting threatening e-mails. :D

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

He's here!!!

Hi everyone!
This is Melissa hacking in on behalf of the Brown family to let you know they had their baby boy!!!

I'll let Sandy tell most of the story later, but...

Welcome Jacob Davis Brown
Born at 2:54pm on 3/17/09
10lb 100z!!!!!

And yes, it was a c-section based on his size! He is doing well, so is his mama. Congratulations to the Brown family of 3!

Nothing new..still waiting

Just wanted to let you all know that nothing has changed and we are still waiting for little Jake to be born. Ryan keeps joking that he is not sure who he is taking and he is just being shy, or Ryan and he is just being stubborn. hehe Anyway, we will be waiting out the rest of the week and if nothing happens I am still scheduled to be induced sometime on Friday. So we shall see. I am getting anxious to meet the little guy and see what he is like.

Anywho, that is me for now. Hope that everyone is having a great week.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Still Waiting

Well, I am starting to get a lot of phone calls to see how we are doing so I thought I would put it out on the blog. :) Jake has not made his grand appearance yet even though he is getting pretty big. My doctor thinks he is somewhere between 9 and 9 1/4 lbs at this point and my due date at this point is only two days away. For those of you who do not know I was diagnosed as borderline gestational diabetic at the beginning of my pregnancy (although I have been able to keep everything stable with diet the hole time and my doctor actually told me yesterday that I do not have to test my sugars for the rest of my pregnancy...yey!!!!) that basically means that the biggest they will let him get and let me deliver his naturally is 9 lbs 13 its kind of a race between him and me. :) So far my body is not ready to let him go at all so we are just in the waiting game. However if he does not decide to come soon my doctor has scheduled for me to be induced on March 20th, which is really nice to know we have a no later than date. So for now we will just have to wait and see.
It has been really nice to be home these last couple of much easier than being at work as my anchor was really dragging those last two weeks. And I can even see my ankles now which is quite exciting. lol. Well more later as we wait to meet little Jake. Hope everyone is having a great week. :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Nursery Pictures

Well here I am, finally off work and at home where I can relax a little and do all the final preparations for little Jake. So crazy to think that my due date it now only 10 days away...and this little guy is getting big like his daddy, and can hardly wait to get out. We have an ultrasound this afternoon to see exactly how big he is, but at my appointment this morning my doctor thinks he is already at 9 lbs. So we shall see. :) After both Ryan and I were big kids it is something that many have expected anyway...its just what the final number will be. Here is to hoping the story I have heard that bigger babies can eat more and therefore sleep a little longer. ;)
Anyway, what you all really want to see anyway. :) Here are some pictures of Jake's nursery. The first is one that I promised in my last blog. A picture of what a mess we were in a couple of weekends ago when the living room was covered with all of the baby gifts and necessary items. I was just sitting in the room and had no idea where to start. Huge thanks to my friend Christy here in Rosamond who came over with her husband and little boy to help us organize the chaos...because as you can see was pretty bad. :)

And here is little Jake's room. Ryan and I had a really good time decorating it in a Sports theme that will be able to grow a little bit with him as well.