Thursday, March 26, 2009

One week old..and some :)

Well I know that I am 2 days late on the one week old...but what can I say. :)

On Tuesday Jake turned a week old. It is amazing how fast that week went and wow can I say that I have an amazing baby. I know, everyone says that...but he really is not of the norm. Starting on Tuesday night Jake has been going to sleep around 11 pm, then waking and we feed him around 3am and then wakes up around 6am. Ryan and I are actually getting streaks of sleep together. Then yesterday the poor little guy had to get circumcised and he actually slept through it. When they brought him back to me he was just looking around and wanted to be fed. The rest of the day he slept a bit, ate and was pretty much my same happy little boy. See...he is remarkable. :)

But I am just so in love with this little guy, he is so amazingly cute. And he is already getting bigger. He has been a good eater from the beginning and as a result is already climbing above his birth weight. Yesterday they weighed him and he is currently at 11 lbs 3 oz. He went down to
10 lbs 5 oz at the hospital but now thanks to breastfeeding he is growing like a champ. They said he was in the 99th percentile in weight and 96th in length.

Here is a picture of him at his one week mark:


  1. WOO HOOOO! congratulations dear friend, boys are soooo much fun. we can't believe y'all are parents now. don't know when we'll get to meet him, but we look forward to that intro. :)

  2. ok he is SUCH a mini-ryan!! soooooooo cute, i'm so sad we're so far away. :(
