Monday, June 29, 2009
I forgot
I was paying so much attention to putting the new pictures on the blog that I forgot Jake's big news. On Saturday night he spent his first night sleeping in his crib in his very own room. I must say that I was sad to see him go but hey he is a growing boy and needs his own space...and so do Ryan and I. But he did really well and slept well only waking up once to eat and another 5 times for his pacy. But once he had it he fell right back to sleep. Then last night he still woke up and fussed for his pacy 5 or 6 times but he went a full 8 hours before wanting to eat. So I am very proud of him. My baby boy is growing up. :)
Family Week and New Portraits
Hello everyone!!! :) Sorry its been so long but I had family in town last week and so I was never able to update the blog. My parents came with my grandma and aunt Kathy so they could all see Jake and hang out. We had a really great time and Jake as always won hearts. :) We also had new pictures taken of Jake which turned out cute but unfortunately he was not in a smiley mood while we were there. Of course he smiled a lot after they were over...what is with that? hehe
Anywho, here they are. :)
This is a picture of Jake and Ryan on Father's Day.
Anywho, here they are. :)
This is a picture of Jake and Ryan on Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'm 3 months old :)
I have now picked out my favorite toy, its a little baseball teddy bear with soft blue material connected to it. It is almost just like my favorite spit up cloths but Mommy and Daddy seem to prefer me playing with this instead. Although mommy is a bit unhappy that is says Dodgers on the front...but whatcha gonna do.
And here I am trying to escape from my play mat. Mommy was sitting next to me reading a book and I decided that I would rather be closer to her, so I used my legs (which are getting pretty strong) to push myself closer to her.
Now this is something that I really don't understand. Mommy and Daddy measured me last week and found that I have really grown...I was almost 28" long. But there was something about my current car seat only fitting me until 32" and them wanting to be ready for me when I am bigger since I am growing so fast. So we went out and I tried on car seats for big boys...they seemed happy with this one but as you can see I am not as sure about it.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
12 weeks old
It completely amazes me that next week Jake will be 3 months old. My little man is getting old. :) But here are some pictures of this past week.
Jake has developed a love for his spit up cloths (in our case we use cloth diapers that are decorated that we received as gifts...they are our favorites) As soon as we are done burping him and we lift him down from our shoulders...he grabs hold of it.
Sunday was a big day for Jake as it was his first time in the nursery during church...and he did very well, actually fell asleep as soon as he got there. hehe But Ryan got him ready for church that morning and as you can see put him in a matching outfit. It was really cute, they were both even wearing sandals. :)
Piper still has absolutely no interest in Jake...even when Jake is using her as a pillow.
Also we keep testing Jake in his Bumbo chair to see if he is ready for it. He is getting a lot better at keeping his head up in it and soon will be able to start using it for more than a few seconds. But here is his public Bumbo Chair debut. :) (for those who do not know, these are chairs designed for babies who cannot sit on their own yet but love the view of sitting and working on their muscles to be able to on their own)
Jake has developed a love for his spit up cloths (in our case we use cloth diapers that are decorated that we received as gifts...they are our favorites) As soon as we are done burping him and we lift him down from our shoulders...he grabs hold of it.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
11 weeks
You know, I really should call this blog "The Chronicles of Jake" with all the entries about him. hehe Ah, but I know that is what you want to hear about anyway. But here he is, my little man at a little over 11 weeks old. The time is just going so fast and I am loving watching him. Jake loves to move all around even though it is causing him to loose a lot of his baby hair (as he is moving his head all around while lying or leaning on things) and making diaper changes a lot harder. But it is so fun. Here are some pics of him this week with the stories behind them.
In the last few weeks I have been trying to at least get Jake used to taking a nap around the same time every day (even though he sleeps at other times on his own) and so I put him in the swing and he can be out anywhere from one to three hours. Here is him completely zonked in his swing.
Sadly Ryan hurt his back this week and so spent a couple of days resting it so he could get back to his life. Little Jake really enjoyed spending time with his daddy these days and quite often gave me a dirty look when I would take him away.
Everyone must think I have Jake living on his activity mat with all the pictures taken here...but he really does love it and creates some great photo ops. :) Isn't he cute!?!
In the last few weeks I have been trying to at least get Jake used to taking a nap around the same time every day (even though he sleeps at other times on his own) and so I put him in the swing and he can be out anywhere from one to three hours. Here is him completely zonked in his swing.
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