Wednesday, October 21, 2009

7 Months Old!!!

Well I am a few days late on this one, but I am now the mother of a 7 month old. I cannot believe that he is getting so is all just going by so fast. But I am loving watching him learn new things and take so much interest in the things around him. And it is so much fun to be able to play with him and see his personality start to develop. So for those of you who do not get to see him often or have not met him yet here are some facts about Jake:
- can sit on his own
- loves to roll over on his tummy and will now NOT sleep on his back
- can lean over and pick up a toy and then sit back up
- can kinda use a sippycup...although his coordination is still a little rough on this he can get a little all by himself
- can eat puffs but gumming and sucking on them
- can hold his weight on his legs for a short moment
- has all the pieces of crawling and is working hard trying to figure out how to put them together
- can put his pacy in his mouth
- has eaten squash, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, peas, apple sauce, pears, bananas, prunes, peaches, and turkey....loves squash, peas, pears, veggie and turkey blend, and harvest squash turkey...and of course his new love of puffs...can't figure out how to get them from his hand to his mouth yet (but its cute to watch him try)
- favorite toy - yogurt cup :) whatcha gonna do hehe
So that is my son :) Here are some new pictures of him.

Jake working on his new sippy cup skill.
He loves to sit up in front of his play mat and grab the hanging toys.
Cute boy
" Isn't Daddy silly!!!"
Jake with his beloved yogurt cup
Now this really needed two pictures to fully appreciate :) Once Jake decided he was sleeping on his tummy he also found new positions to sleep in. This is one he does quite often and it is just so darn cute. :) He sleeps with his knees under him and his butt in the air. I caught him the other night so you could all see.

I love my son...such a cutie.
And since Jake is 7 months old I figured it was time for another is one of him rolling over and then looking around. He loves rolling over now and has gotten pretty quick at it.

Have a great week everyone!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

On Wednesday I was able to take Jake to the pumpkin patch for the first time. At this age he does not really know what is going on, but he seemed to be having fun taking it all in.

Here he is with his very first pumpkin...the people who worked there gave it to him sine its his first Halloween. As you can see he really seemed to like it as he grabbed onto the stem all by himself.
They had this little are where the small kids could sit in the first, as you can see Jake was not so sure what he thought of the stuff...
Jake and Mommy sitting in the hay
But as time passed Jake realized that he really liked the hay an proceeded to spread it all over himself. I think this was his favorite part. :)
" pumpkin looks really big!!!"
Happy Pumpkin hunting everyone!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Adorable Boy

OK, so how can you look at this picture and not think that this little boy is adorable...ok I know, I am the mom and I am very biased. And to be honest Jake is siting on my lap right now and yelling at me as to what to write. hehehe But I just love this little man so much and love my husband for giving me such a wonderful family. :D But enough mushy are some more pics for the week.
Up until about Wednesday this is often how Jakey ended up in his crib, he would start in the middle laying nicely in his little bumpers so he would not roll over...and would end up here. :) Although recently he has learned to roll over the bumpers and now he loves to sleep on his matter how many times Ryan and I turn him over. Hehehe...makes me wonder if I should just take out the non rolling over thingy. :)
The other day on the way home from work and day care I had given Jake a little teething ring to play with while we were in the car. Once we got home I found him sound asleep with the ring around his upper arm...not really sure how it got there...but I though it was pretty funny.
Jake playing with one of his stuffed animals in his room.
"Hi, I'm Jake...aren't I cute?" :)
This little boy loves his toys..and now that he is at the stage to play with them completely on his own its adorable to watch.
Have a great week everyone!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jake and his Puppy

For the longest time Jake had no interest in our dog Piper...and she pretty much ignored him. But all of a sudden Jake really seems to like Piper and wants to pet her...although I think that Piper would still rather ignore him. hehe Here are some pictures of them taken over the weekend. slobber
Jake and Piper just chillin.....Jake did start on the carpet but he wanted to be closer to the pup
...maybe this is why Piper would rather ignore Jake :) Now we just need to teach Jake "gentle."
Jake has a great love for toys right now and is also not happy just laying around quietly. He has also developed a sudden interest in rolling over. He has been able to for a couple of months now but just did not have the desire. All of sudden though mid way through last week he suddenly realized that he wants to play on his tummy and loves to grab a toy and roll over...or just roll over to look around. I have not taken a video of him rolling over, but I did get this on of him madly playing with his truck...he love this thing and it just takes so much effort to get a hold of it. :)

Here is a picture showing how squirmy he can be with his rolling and inching...he started in the middle of his mat...he really wanted that little pillow.
He is also an assisted stander and is always quite proud of himself when he does it! :)And here is my adorable son...taking a dive for the camera.

Have a great week everyone.