Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jake and his Puppy

For the longest time Jake had no interest in our dog Piper...and she pretty much ignored him. But all of a sudden Jake really seems to like Piper and wants to pet her...although I think that Piper would still rather ignore him. hehe Here are some pictures of them taken over the weekend. slobber
Jake and Piper just chillin.....Jake did start on the carpet but he wanted to be closer to the pup
...maybe this is why Piper would rather ignore Jake :) Now we just need to teach Jake "gentle."
Jake has a great love for toys right now and is also not happy just laying around quietly. He has also developed a sudden interest in rolling over. He has been able to for a couple of months now but just did not have the desire. All of sudden though mid way through last week he suddenly realized that he wants to play on his tummy and loves to grab a toy and roll over...or just roll over to look around. I have not taken a video of him rolling over, but I did get this on of him madly playing with his truck...he love this thing and it just takes so much effort to get a hold of it. :)

Here is a picture showing how squirmy he can be with his rolling and inching...he started in the middle of his mat...he really wanted that little pillow.
He is also an assisted stander and is always quite proud of himself when he does it! :)And here is my adorable son...taking a dive for the camera.

Have a great week everyone.


  1. Jake, you are so cute!!!! Bet you're going to be walking before we know it. Know you'll probably be crawling by tomorrow. You are such an advanced child!!!!

    So glad you are beginning to enjoy Piper. She is THE VERY BEST dog!!!!

    Grandma and Grandpa love you so much!!!!

    P.S. Great Aunt Amy said to tell you she looks at your Blog constantly and stays very up on it. She just hasn't figured out how to post. One day she will. She also thinks you are adorable!!!

  2. It looks like he wants to TASTE Piper, which is about right if he's taking his clues from Kadence the drum taster :) What a big boy he's getting to be, rolling over and everything. Grama and Grampa Brown are SO proud!
    Love you guys!
