OK, so how can you look at this picture and not think that this little boy is adorable...ok I know, I am the mom and I am very biased. And to be honest Jake is siting on my lap right now and yelling at me as to what to write. hehehe But I just love this little man so much and love my husband for giving me such a wonderful family. :D But enough mushy stuff...here are some more pics for the week.

Up until about Wednesday this is often how Jakey ended up in his crib, he would start in the middle laying nicely in his little bumpers so he would not roll over...and would end up here. :) Although recently he has learned to roll over the bumpers and now he loves to sleep on his tummy...no matter how many times Ryan and I turn him over. Hehehe...makes me wonder if I should just take out the non rolling over thingy. :)

The other day on the way home from work and day care I had given Jake a little teething ring to play with while we were in the car. Once we got home I found him sound asleep with the ring around his upper arm...not really sure how it got there...but I though it was pretty funny.

Jake playing with one of his stuffed animals in his room.

"Hi, I'm Jake...aren't I cute?" :)

This little boy loves his toys..and now that he is at the stage to play with them completely on his own its adorable to watch.
Have a great week everyone!!!
Jake is so cute! I haven't seen your blog in a while since I've been so busy with our little Hannah... He sure has gotten big! It sounds like you guys are having tons of fun with him :)