Well Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!! I hope you are all having a wonderful day and looking forward to a special day tomorrow. For the occasion I thought I would upload some of our family's Christmas portraits. We had them taken a while ago but they are still pretty cute. :D
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Catching Up
OK, I admit I am pretty far behind on the blog entries. :D We just got so caught up in the holidays I had not gotten to it. But now we can treat you to a bunch of new pictures. :D We are all doing well and looking forward to Christmas, and yes we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with both of our parents...we are just enjoying life. :D So here are some pictures of what you have missed over the past month and a half. :D
Our adorable little boy
Our little football player. :) People always comment on his size and say he will be a football player...but as you can see...the ball is still a bit large for him. :D
This was a really fun day where we went to a park in LA for our little friend Victoria's 1st birthday party. But as you can see Jake had more fun playing with the big kids. :)
Jake and Victoria enjoying the swings.
Think he likes swings?
Trying on Daddy's shoes
When I took this picture I remember looking at it in shock...my baby boy has sure grown up. And this is one of his favorite shirts as he will run around all day pointing at it and saying "Neeee" his name for Handy Manny. :D
And Jake also now enjoys coloring...well he likes playing with the crayons the most...but he has fun.
An artist hard at work.
His huge love right now though is building things with any type of blocks. He just loves it and as you can see concentrates really hard while building.
Jake's new big boy bed!!! :D No he is not sleeping in it yet, but we got a great deal on it on Craig's list and as you can see Jake can hardly wait to sleep in it. (and yes it does convert to hold a twin size mattress...good for a growing boy)
Ahhhhh Thanksgiving. Such a yummy time of year. As you can see Jake loved the rolls. His meal that night was pretty much rolls, cranberry jello and milk. :)
...oh yeah...and pie. Jake LOOOOVVVEEESSS pie. And Grandpa was only too happy to share. :)
And here is one of Jake's grander building. He is not too good at structure as they are often very tall and narrow and then fall over. But with someone holding onto the bottom he does pretty well. :D
Next up will be our Christmas portraits. :) But I figure you can enjoy all these for a little bit. :D Have a great time getting ready for Christmas!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Jake's 2nd Halloween
OK, I am on a roll now :D
Well for Jake's second Halloween we were not sure that he was ready for trick or treating and so we decided to take him to a Harvest Festival that our friend Linda (who watches Jake while I am at work) had invited us too. Jake absolutely loved it, especially the blow up slide as you will see soon, and we were really glad we did it. Oh...and Jake was an adorable monkey...very appropriate for my little monkey boy who loves to climb and eat bananas. :)
Getting ready before going into Miss Linda's house to show off his costume :D
Such a cute monkey boy (with my good friend Marina in the background)
Well for Jake's second Halloween we were not sure that he was ready for trick or treating and so we decided to take him to a Harvest Festival that our friend Linda (who watches Jake while I am at work) had invited us too. Jake absolutely loved it, especially the blow up slide as you will see soon, and we were really glad we did it. Oh...and Jake was an adorable monkey...very appropriate for my little monkey boy who loves to climb and eat bananas. :)
"Aren't I cute?"
Well I hope you enjoyed these pictures half as much as we enjoyed the day. :) Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Pumpkin Patch Part 2
Yes!!! More pictures. :D
Jake found some pumpkins that he CAN carry. :D And he did...moved them all over the place. :)
...until he found this ity bity one. He LOVED it and we almost had to let him nap with it afterwards. :D
OK, next up...Jake's Halloween pictures from when we went to the Harvest Festival. :D
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Pumpkin Patch Part 1
Well I really apologize for the lack of pictures lately. We are having some computer issues and as many times as I have tried I could not load any pictures. But I found if I load them one at a time they are coming through for now. So who knows how many I will get on but hey they are some for you to enjoy. :D
But a couple weeks before Halloween we took Jake to our local pumpkin patch and he had a blast. He had been there last year too but was not nearly as interested...I think he would have stayed there all day if we let him. :) He touched every pumpkin in the patch and tried to move about a third of them...and the funny thing is that I do not know if I am exaggerating. :D
We have arrived and Jake can hardly wait to get in :D
But a couple weeks before Halloween we took Jake to our local pumpkin patch and he had a blast. He had been there last year too but was not nearly as interested...I think he would have stayed there all day if we let him. :) He touched every pumpkin in the patch and tried to move about a third of them...and the funny thing is that I do not know if I am exaggerating. :D
Trying to lift yet another pumpkin. :D
OK, going to try and publish this and then put on more pictures a few at a time. :D
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Jake's First Haircut
Well, as our dear son was starting to grow a natural mullet we decided to cut his hair. It was a sad event cutting those first little hairs but also a very loving one as Ryan and I did it ourselves...at first. :D But Jake did really well thanks to the trance that we put him in by turning on an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. :D Then a couple of days later our dear Miss Linda, who watches Jake while I am at work, fixed it up and made it look really cute. We now lay down our scissors and leave his hair in her capable hands. :D
It has begun, and Momma is trying to figure out out the heck to start.
First trim.
"I survived!!!" And "wow how grown up do I look." :D
After Miss Linda cleaned it up. Amazingly she used trimmers and Jake was just as calm as could be sitting in her lap. The boy is afraid of our vacuum cleaner and yet trimmers are fine. Who knows. :D
Stay tuned for pictures at the pumpkin patch. :D
Monday, October 11, 2010
Jake at Play
Well I figured it was time for some new pictures...and Jake and I had a great time playing in the backyard on Friday and we got some fun ones..so the timing is great. But first I figured you were all due for a Jakey update. :) So how big is our little man? Still big :) He is about 3' tall and weighs a little under 34 lbs which means he is wearing 24 month and 2T shirts already and going into the same for pants. And a size 6 shoe...the most exciting thing to share since he now needs him with all his walking. But you know we are now learning that kids sure outgrow shoes fast. :) Thank goodness for hand me downs and great used kids stuff stores. :) He still adores the word Car and Cool, but now also really enjoys Ball and Go (as in he will climb into his stroller and say "go"...lets go for a walk he means), and with age comes "mo" which means more and learning to shake his head no which he uses constantly. He loves to read, climb, play outside, play with his cars and balls and he is still a wonderfully cuddly little boy who loves to give kisses and giggle. And yes we are at the fussy eating stage....sigh.
But that is my adorable boy...now onto pictures. :)
This is how Jake gets comfy and also shows off his incredible strength. Just watching cartoons one morning with his back against the couch and his feet across from him against the ottoman...so he is not touching the ground at all.
Ahhh...the slide. We got this slide a while back and Jake currently LOVES it. He can climb up it (the right way finally) and slide down all by himself and he loves it. Sometimes he is bummed that he cannot go outside and play. :)
But that is my adorable boy...now onto pictures. :)
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