Friday, November 5, 2010

Jake's 2nd Halloween

OK, I am on a roll now :D

Well for Jake's second Halloween we were not sure that he was ready for trick or treating and so we decided to take him to a Harvest Festival that our friend Linda (who watches Jake while I am at work) had invited us too. Jake absolutely loved it, especially the blow up slide as you will see soon, and we were really glad we did it. Oh...and Jake was an adorable monkey...very appropriate for my little monkey boy who loves to climb and eat bananas. :)
Getting ready before going into Miss Linda's house to show off his costume :D
Such a cute monkey boy (with my good friend Marina in the background)
"Ta-da!!! I'm a monkey momma!!!"
"....ahhh a girl hug" (really his good friend Faith that he spent a lot of time with at Miss Linda's before she went onto Kindergarten)
Jake really wanted to go into this blow up area and play soccer with the older boys
Ahhhh...the you think he likes it? the top and ready to go.
"Here I come!!!"
"Look at me Miss Linda!!!"

"Aren't I cute?"

Well I hope you enjoyed these pictures half as much as we enjoyed the day. :) Have a great weekend everyone!!!


  1. He's such a little Ryan!! So adorable and I think he knows it. :) Thanks for sharing. hugs and love to you all

  2. Grandma would really love to go on that slide too!!!! What cute pictures!!! Jake, you definitely make an awesome monkey!!! Also fun to see pictures of Marina, Faith and Miss Linda.

    Love you guys!!!
    Grandma and Grandpa L

  3. That's my boy...ready for a slide adventure at any opportunity! Gotta love that great smile at the top of the slide!!! I'm not so sure about the 'girl hugs' either...
    We can't wait to see you guys
    Love ya, G'pa & G'ma Brown

  4. Love these adorable pics of Jake!!! I copied the one of Jake going down the slide and it's taped on my file cabinet at school. My class wants to know if there are any current pictures your little man? hahahahahahahaha!!!
