Well I really apologize for the lack of pictures lately. We are having some computer issues and as many times as I have tried I could not load any pictures. But I found if I load them one at a time they are coming through for now. So who knows how many I will get on but hey they are some for you to enjoy. :D
But a couple weeks before Halloween we took Jake to our local pumpkin patch and he had a blast. He had been there last year too but was not nearly as interested...I think he would have stayed there all day if we let him. :) He touched every pumpkin in the patch and tried to move about a third of them...and the funny thing is that I do not know if I am exaggerating. :D

We have arrived and Jake can hardly wait to get in :D

Walking with his "dada" into the pumpkin patch

Trying to lift a pumpkin that is a little too big for him. :D

They have a little petting zoo there and as you can see he really liked it. His favorite by far were the chickens. :D
Trying to lift yet another pumpkin. :D
OK, going to try and publish this and then put on more pictures a few at a time. :D
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