Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Fun Weekend in Sacramento!!!
A couple of weekends ago we took a trip to Sacramento for our friend Meliss' baby shower and we had such a blast getting together with friends. A bunch of us stayed at the Gruenholz Bed and Breakfast which also included our friends Troy and Becky. It was so much fun to see our three kids playing with or around each other. :) Its the third time they have all gotten together (although the first time Jake was still in my tummy :) ) and its so much fun to see the changes with all of them at every step. So here are some fun pictures to enjoy :D
Oh yes, Jake's favorite hobby these days...pushing the laundry basket around. Here he is in action. hehe
My happy little Angel. :D Jake has gotten into wearing hats again which is really awesome in the hot sun around here. He can even put them on himself...although the hat rides high and at angle but its really cute.
And here we are in Sac...I just realized that I never got any pictures of all of us adults. lol Can tell where our priorities are. :) But here Jake and Kadence are giving us some tunes. :)
Here Kadence, Emma and Jake are having a good time playing.
And the three musicians plus Becky the helper...she had to lift Jake up and was amazed at his weight. hehe But hey he IS probably half her weight. :D
Music seems to be big with these three. :D
Jake and Kadence reading books and enjoying their sippies at the end of the day. Yes they are 6 months apart in age...hehehe.
While we were there we also got to see our friends Paul and Bethany which was awesome as they used to live less than a mile from us and now they live in Sac. Our boys are 7 weeks apart and so spent much of their first year of life together. Now both boys are walking and so it was so much fun to see them together again. And they seemed pretty excited to see each other too. :) Here Jake and Stevie and playing and reading.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Our Little Toddler
Well maybe not little. :D But the last few weeks Jake has really seemed to make the transition from being a baby to a toddler. He is now walking around a little although still prefers to crawl as he amazes people with his speed. But he is just learning so much and so quickly. His vocabulary is growing as he truly knows the word ball and nana (banana) now. And he now has two molars, well they are still working on breaking through but we have 2 1/2 points through on both so we are getting there. But I love our little man so much. Anyway, here are some more pictures that I promised. :D
A last play day at the old house before we moved.
Jake loves his "dada"
Lately Jake loves talking on his monitor...he really thinks its a phone. (yeah had to get him off the couch after this photo though :) ) have not had many pics had to get a new picture of the cheesy grin.
This weekend we took him to the pool for the first time this summer. I had been wanting to do it for a long time and we finally were able to. He was not too comfy at first but he got a lot better as time went.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Mobile/Walking Jake
OK, as I practically got jumped on is one of our first videos of Jake walking. :D
As some of you know Jake has had the ability to walk for some time...just not the interest. He is just too darn good at walking on his knees and he is the fastest crawler in the west. :) But on Thursday he started to try it out more on his own...away from furniture which he had been cruising around for quite some time. We are so proud, but between that and the crazing climbing this boy are we in trouble. :)
And also as a little bonus. The day before he learned to climb on his ride on truck which he loves and we find him doing all the time now. :) Now he just needs to learn how to go somewhere on it. :D
And I have more cute pictures...I promise that once I have the time I will get them uploaded. :D
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