Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Mobile/Walking Jake

OK, as I practically got jumped on is one of our first videos of Jake walking. :D

As some of you know Jake has had the ability to walk for some time...just not the interest. He is just too darn good at walking on his knees and he is the fastest crawler in the west. :) But on Thursday he started to try it out more on his own...away from furniture which he had been cruising around for quite some time. We are so proud, but between that and the crazing climbing this boy are we in trouble. :)

And also as a little bonus. The day before he learned to climb on his ride on truck which he loves and we find him doing all the time now. :) Now he just needs to learn how to go somewhere on it. :D

And I have more cute pictures...I promise that once I have the time I will get them uploaded. :D


  1. Yay Jake!!! Now Kadence can teach you all sorts of crazy tricks in a couple of weeks!

  2. I am SOOOO excited! Thanks for putting a video up for the impatient grandparents to see. Can't wait to see Jake walk in real life soon!

  3. Jake, you have always been such an advanced child and it continues!!!

    We can hardly wait to see you the first part of September!!! By that time you'll be walking all over the place!!!!

    Maybe we can get rid of mommy and daddy one time so that Grandma and Grandpa can spoil you a little.

    Grandma and Grandpa L
