Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our Little Toddler

Well maybe not little. :D But the last few weeks Jake has really seemed to make the transition from being a baby to a toddler. He is now walking around a little although still prefers to crawl as he amazes people with his speed. But he is just learning so much and so quickly. His vocabulary is growing as he truly knows the word ball and nana (banana) now. And he now has two molars, well they are still working on breaking through but we have 2 1/2 points through on both so we are getting there. But I love our little man so much. Anyway, here are some more pictures that I promised. :D
A last play day at the old house before we moved.
Jake loves his "dada"
Lately Jake loves talking on his monitor...he really thinks its a phone. (yeah had to get him off the couch after this photo though :) ) have not had many pics had to get a new picture of the cheesy grin.
This weekend we took him to the pool for the first time this summer. I had been wanting to do it for a long time and we finally were able to. He was not too comfy at first but he got a lot better as time went.
Swimming Jakey (with mom holding on of course)
Ahhhh Dada loves
"I'm flying"
He loved going in circles and splashing the water.
Too funny :)
Look Grandma (who was taking pics) I am holding on all by myself!!!
This little monkey was not too happy to get out of the water...but we had a ton of fun and it was time to go home.
Hope you are all enjoying the rest of your summer. Will talk more soon. :D