Well now you are all caught up...now that I have a working computer I will try and be better about pictures. Especially with a new little one that will be joining us in August. :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Random Catch Up Pictures
Well as I promised I had some old pictures that I needed to catch everyone up on...so here they are. :D Yes they start after New Years and go until a couple weeks ago...but better late than never right? :)
Jake's first time in the snow...in our very own backyard. Huge thanks to our friend Kimberly for letting us borrow this snow suit. :D
Hmmm...is this going to be his first snowball fight? :)
Getting a little more confident about walking in the stuff.
Ooppps. :D
Momma and Jakey Bear...can you tell he is really not sure about all this? hehe
The boys
Post snow hairdo...lol...cracks me up. :)
I absolutely love this picture. I took this a few weeks ago and so it is pretty new...but he is just so darned cute...and has an adorable smile.
My little helper. Every time I get the swiffer out he wants to do it. So when I am done I take out a couple lengths and let him finish up. :D
Jake LOVES this car. Ryan found it for like $5 at a garage sale and its Jake's favorite outdoor toy. Especially when he gets pushed at high speeds. :)
Getting to be a big boy and eat at the counter with his Aunt Steph while she was here.
OK, so isn't my little GQ boy adorable? We had him all dressed up for 2 year portraits...too bad he WOULD NOT allow pictures to be taken. Maybe we are just at that age for now. Time will tell.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Jake's 2nd Birthday BBQ :D
After much waiting...here are Jakey's Birthday BBQ pictures. :)
OK isn't this the most amazing cupcake cake you have ever seen?!??!?! I mean last year our friend Katie made this amazing firetruck cupcake cupcake cake, and she continues to amaze us by making these amazing creations. This year we had a Handy Manny Theme as Jake LOVES the cartoon and before this BBQ Katie had not even heard of him before..she did a pretty awesome job didn't she? :) Thank you so much Katie for helping to make this day so special for our Jakey Bear. :D
Of course Jake was having so much fun with his friends outside that it took him a while to notice this wonderful sweet creation.
Our wonderful BBQ chefs. :) Jake's Uncle Jason and both Grandpas.
Ahhhhh...Jake's finally comes in and sees his favorite characters in sugar. :) I think he likes it.
Yep...he likes it. :D
Some of his friends playing in our backyard.
Yummmm...pretty different from last year when he would only play with it. This time he ate every bit he could.
Looks like everyone is enjoying it. I love how the big table became the kids table. :)
Oh my little boy...he REALLY enjoyed that cupcake. hehe
OK these are some pictures taken before Ryan left for a business trip. Jake was having so much fun playing blocks with his Aunt Steph (who you can see hiding behind the chair) and his Dada. :) Here you see the amazing tower they built together. Jake LOVES his blocks.
Well its been a bit of a crazy weekend. Poor Jake was being sweet on Friday night by throwing away a wrapper in a trash can and he hit his thumb on a can that was in there and sliced it pretty good. We took him to urgent care and he ended up getting two stitches on the knuckle side of his thumb...now he and his grandma will have scars to compare next time they see each other. He is doing really well now...although he does not want to keep the band aid on anymore...already taken it off twice today and he is supposed to leave it on one more day...tell that to a two year old toddler. :) But he has been such a big boy through this and we are really proud of him.
Hope you all had a nice weekend...will catch up more on older pictures soon. :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Jake's 2nd Birthday
Well hello everyone...I am finally back blogging after my computer took a dive and I had to get a new hard drive. But its for a wonderful occasion. Last Thursday our little Jakey Bear turned 2. I cannot believe that my little baby boy is now two years old...it is going WAY too fast. But it was a great day. Both of his sets of grandparents, his Aunt Bethany, and his Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Jason were all there for his big day (the last 3 came all the way from North Carolina!!!). He loved all the extra attention and playmates. :) We started the day at "Build a Bear" at the mall, had some food at the food court and then after coming home for a nap we had presents, play time and then of course some dessert. :) Jake had such a good time and I think we did well by him on his 2nd Birthday. There were so many great pictures to share that I will be following this blog with another one of his little bbq party we had a couple days later..stayed tuned as you HAVE to see his Handy Manny Cake!!! :)
So Ryan and I thought it would be fun to take Jake to Build a Bear for his birthday...we did not know if he would like it but thought we would give it a shot....do you think he had fun???
I think so. :)
Jake LOVED the pandas (not sure where that came from) and proceeded to take as many as he could reach out of the bin and give them to grandma. :D I think we know his choice. :)
And my boy and his love for cars. He found these cars at the back of the store and had a great time filling them with what else..pandas. :)
Jake even helped by stepping on the pedal to help stuff his bear.
Picking out the bear's heart was really tough...so many to choose from.
Ahhhh...cuddle time with his new bear. :)
Fun at the food court...what we are supposed to eat here too?!?!
Hehe..this was during his present opening..I have known for a long time that he likes to read...but two books at once? :)
This was great...my dad was sitting on the floor next to Jake which was normally what he wants. But this time he pulled my dad's hand so he would lay on his tummy next to him and inspect some of his new toys. :)
This was Jake's main present from us...his very first tricycle!!! Its a little big for him...but hey for Jake...that's an accomplishment. :D
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