Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Jake's 2nd Birthday
Well hello everyone...I am finally back blogging after my computer took a dive and I had to get a new hard drive. But its for a wonderful occasion. Last Thursday our little Jakey Bear turned 2. I cannot believe that my little baby boy is now two years is going WAY too fast. But it was a great day. Both of his sets of grandparents, his Aunt Bethany, and his Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Jason were all there for his big day (the last 3 came all the way from North Carolina!!!). He loved all the extra attention and playmates. :) We started the day at "Build a Bear" at the mall, had some food at the food court and then after coming home for a nap we had presents, play time and then of course some dessert. :) Jake had such a good time and I think we did well by him on his 2nd Birthday. There were so many great pictures to share that I will be following this blog with another one of his little bbq party we had a couple days later..stayed tuned as you HAVE to see his Handy Manny Cake!!! :)
So Ryan and I thought it would be fun to take Jake to Build a Bear for his birthday...we did not know if he would like it but thought we would give it a you think he had fun???
I think so. :)
Jake LOVED the pandas (not sure where that came from) and proceeded to take as many as he could reach out of the bin and give them to grandma. :D I think we know his choice. :)
And my boy and his love for cars. He found these cars at the back of the store and had a great time filling them with what else..pandas. :)
Jake even helped by stepping on the pedal to help stuff his bear.
Picking out the bear's heart was really many to choose from.
Ahhhh...cuddle time with his new bear. :)
Fun at the food court...what we are supposed to eat here too?!?!
Hehe..this was during his present opening..I have known for a long time that he likes to read...but two books at once? :)
This was dad was sitting on the floor next to Jake which was normally what he wants. But this time he pulled my dad's hand so he would lay on his tummy next to him and inspect some of his new toys. :)
This was Jake's main present from us...his very first tricycle!!! Its a little big for him...but hey for Jake...that's an accomplishment. :D
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What a fun time for Jake and the family. I especially love the pic of Peggy with all the pandas. Such a little man he is. SOO cute!