Well this is Ryan's last couple of days before he goes back to work on Monday. We had such a great time it really felt like a nice long family vacation. We did so many fun things and got to have a lot of adventures for Jake which was awesome. AJ is growing so fast and we are so happy that Ryan got to stay home these 6 weeks and really get to know him and love on him. Sad its over but I will always have fond memories of this time. I love my family!!! Thank you Ry for taking the time, taking care of me and being such a great Dada to our boys! :)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Trip to Grandparents and GGs
Well last week we took a trip to my parents house to let them show off their newest grandson, have some fun adventures for Jake, and also introduce my Grandma to her great grandson. It was a fast but really fun trip and we have some great pictures to share it. :)
First I just thought this was funny...Jake with a skinned chin wearing a hard hat...he should have had it on when he took a header into our furniture. :(
My mom and AJ
While we were there we decided to take a trip to the Train Museum in Old Town Sacramento...Jake LOVED it. I cannot tell you how many times we heard the word "train" in that 2 hour span. :)
Cool big train...although Jake really liked the phones best :)
Jake was going crazy running from one display to the next
AJ seemed to enjoy himself as well. :) Future train lover?
And the best part was the Thomas the Train area with 4 train tables...we were there for about an hour. :)
This boy is serious about his trains
Hanging out on Grandma and Grandpa's boat
Grandpa and AJ cuddling time
Ahhhh and my Grandma got to meet and hold AJ for the first time...needless to say she was pretty happy :)

The two are checking each other out. :)
GG and her Great Grandsons
Ahhhh cute cuddles
So hard to get family pictures with a 2 year old :) But a great one with the Grandparents and GG
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Apple Picking and AJ is almost 2 months :)
Wow, on Saturday my youngest boy is going to be 2 months old already. Hard to believe. He is such a wonderful little guy whom we love and his big brother is beginning to adore...when he is not stealing his pacey that is. :) But what can I say about my little Austin Jonah...he is a wonderfully easy baby, loves to be cuddled, has a smile that lights up his entire face, has his most successful tummy times when his big brother is there to encourage him, he wants to stand (any time we try and have him sit with us supporting him he does not want to bend at the waist...he wants to stand), and he loves anything bright. That is pretty much him right now. Hehe...I look forward to him sitting and playing with his brother but also know that when mobility comes and we have two little boys getting into everything, we will definitely be in trouble. :) But here are some pictures of our cute little one.
AJ had a message for his daddy when he came home on this night :)
Taking in everything around him while chillin' in his bouncy chair
This picture really looks like Jake and AJ are playing telephone together...Jake LOVES to play telephone right now.
APPLE PICKING!!!! This week we took a family trip to Tehachapi to go apple picking. We were looking forward to the yummy apples and we had a feeling that Jake would have fun...which he really did.
Hehe...and while we were there Jake HAD to drag along his own bucket...it was pretty cute
Showing off one of the yummy apples
Jake even found one that was just AJ's size...seems to have made his little brother pretty happy
Daddy and Jake taking a stroll back to the car
Across the street there was a little pumpkin patch which Jake yelled "Pum" whenever he saw it...so we had to let him explore after we were done picking.
AJ of course slept. :)
The boys looking around
I realize that it has been a while since I have given an update on Jake. :) I am so proud of my little man. While he has his times of acting out with his new brother around he has been really good. He still loves giving him kisses and is always wanting him around which is really cute. He is a great big brother. And he is growing up so darn fast. He is really starting to get more verbal all of a sudden with his number of words skyrocketing and starting to make sentences. The other night Ryan gave him a treat of some goldfish crackers and while walking to his little table he tripped and the fish went flying out of his cup much to the delight of our dog Piper. Jake sadly looked at his cup and said to Ryan "I fall, all gone..." then looking at him with a smile added "more?" OK simple sentence but darn cute. But he is amazing us with the things that he says now. We are so proud of him
Hope that everyone is having a good week!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Dancing Baby 2
Some of you may remember the "Dancing Baby" song that Ryan made up when Jake was a little guy...well its back and now staring AJ. :) What is great is seeing Jake giggle at it in the background...if he only remembered that he did it too. :)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Boys at 7 Weeks and Pumpkin Patch!!!
The last week has been such a fun time. AJ is getting so much more aware of what is around him, is starting to smile more (adorable) and enjoys sitting in his bouncy chair and rocker. Will even sit there long enough for me to shower and get ready which is a miracle. :) We also took the boys to the pumpkin patch which honestly I have been looking forward to all year as Jake loves the place. He of course had a blast, although I don't know how impressed AJ was...he slept through most of it. :)
My Major Hunk...well one of three of course :)
I love this picture of AJ and his grandpa that we got right before we left SLO.
The Brown Boys...and yes AJ is the one with the remote...impressive for his size and age :)
Jake was having a blast playing with his "Pi" (Piper)
Yep this is AJ not Jake...they can sometimes look so much alike at this age. :) But this was his first time on Jake's beloved play mat.
My new favorite picture :)
Working out at the baby gym :)
The Pumpkin Patch!!!! We are so lucky to have an awesome pumpkin patch right here in Rosamond that has a petting zoo along with all the wonderful pumpkins. After Jake's last trip to the petting zoo he was quite brave. Here he is feeding a goat.
And the donkey...although Jake first thought he was a cow he quickly found this to be his favorite animal. :)
And I think the donkey liked him too. hehe
AJ having pumpkin dreams...must be happy ones.
Jake of course had to check out a few pumpkins before finding his favorite
...which he did and was very excited as you can see
I love that he is starting to pose more for pictures...so cute
I really think we could have stayed there all day
Jake liked this one
So fun because I have a picture of Jake like this too...in his stroller with his very first pumpkin (the place gives a little one to kids for their first Halloween). AJ is not too impressed as he is quite a bit younger than Jake was for his first Pumpkin patch trip but Jake is now taking really good care of the pumpkin for him. :) Now I can hardly wait to go next year and see both boys exploring the place. :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
My Boys at 6 Weeks
Well the last couple of days we were able to get some great pictures...and since AJ was 6 weeks old yesterday I thought I would share a bunch of them. AJ is really becoming more alert when he is awake and is really starting to study things. He loves looking at light which includes windows or just any light in the house. :) And he is a strong little dude starting to hold his head up more steadily, push his arms out occasionally and even push strongly with his legs. He is going to be just like his brother. And speaking of brother...Jake has really started to take a more active liking to little AJ. Whenever Jake sees little AJ's Mickey Lovie he brings it to his brother, he loves to tickle him, hug him, give him kisses and even saying he loves him, and as I found this morning...when AJ is having some time on the floor Jake is there giving him love and when AJ is having tummy time Jake is there rooting him on. :) So enjoy these pictures...they were really fun to take.
AJ studying some of the toys on his bouncy chair
...got it!!! :)
Look at that strong little neck
Loving on his Grandma
AJ LOVES being swaddled...although he is a little Houdini as you can see by the hand just starting to come out. :) I love the little smile...first time I really caught one for a picture.
Having some relaxing floor time (Big Brother was napping)
My two boys wore themselves out. :)
Cute Baby Boy
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