Monday, January 23, 2012
AJ is 5 Months Old!!!
It is so hard for me to believe that yesterday my little AJ turned 5 months. Maybe its because he is my baby...but how can he be that old?!? :) But oh what a wonderful little man he is. He is a great eater who loves his milk and though still a mess...he does like his rice cereal. On Saturday he had carrots for the first time...not too sure what he thought of them, but he did cry after he ate his first serving yesterday until I got him a little more. :) He is also quite the talker which is just so darn idea what it means but it sounds quite important. :) And he is just the happiest baby ever, always laughing and sharing his smiley yet drooley face. We love our little AJ. Also on the 9th he rolled over for the first time...he has only done it one other time since then but we are very proud of him...and I think he would rather learn to stand up on his own anyway. hehe Jake is also doing really well and is constantly making me realize what a big boy he is. He is talking more and more, loves to be active and play outside, adores Handy Manny, Building things, mandarin oranges and playing with his new train. Something that he does right now that I love is that he will see me sitting on the floor while his brother is playing and he will run to me with a smile, yelling "Hi Ma!" and will then jump in my lap and give me a huge bear hug without letting go. Makes me soooooo happy. Oh and we finally have a protein that he really enjoys....nuggets!!!! So that is probably the end of your onto the pictures!!!
I think AJ is worried that we are going to take his little buddy from him :)
This was great...I just happened to be taking pictures of AJ watching Jake play when...
...he suddenly rolled on his side....
...and then his back. :) I got pictures of his first roll over....too cool. As for AJ...he looked as surprised as I was, :)
I love this. Ryan and AJ were in the backyard watching Jake play...just too cute of two of my guys. :)
The cutest brothers ever!!!
Hehe...the other day Jake decided he wanted to try on mom's boots.
These boys already adore each other...the other night AJ was getting fussy and so Jake climbed up next to me on the couch looked at me and said "I take Bra" I let him hold him...and wouldn't you know AJ calmed down and was just smiling at and laughing with his brother.
Catching Up
Sorry everyone, I have been having so much fun being home with my boys that I have been bad about my blog entries. But this really has been a wonderful time. I will put a new blog entry on soon as AJ just turned the big 5 Month mark yesterday :), but for now I wanted to catch up on some pictures that were taken before my family came to celebrate Christmas a couple of weeks ago. So enjoy the pictures!!! :)
The exersaucer!!! Jake LOVED this thing and now AJ is enjoying it. He still needs some blankets stuffed in with him and he gets tired after a bit...but he really enjoys it.
An excited boy!!!
They always say that kids have more fun with the box.... :D
AJ having a blast on his playmat
Jake loves his new train and we often find him setting up a new track anywhere in the house :)
AJ loves the camera :D
I love this...Jake was being super quiet in the front room and when I checked on him he was happily playing with his nativity set. Makes a momma happy. :)
These brothers really love each other
This was one of those rare moments where both boys were sleeping at the same time (Jake is really working on giving up naps) I had to get pictures...and Jake was just so silly falling asleep with his hat on.
Too cute
And Jake on his rocking horse. Funny because this was a gift to him before he was born...but for so long he was scared of it. Fun to see him finally enjoying it and riding his horsey. :)
Well I am off now to feed AJ and give Jakey a bath but hopefully I will return to you soon with updates and pictures. Have a great day!!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
2nd Christmas and Grandma's 90 Birthday
This past weekend we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family. We had a wonderful time with my parents, aunts and Grandma. And they loved seeing our growing boys and visa versa. So let me just share the weekend with you in pictures. :)
Jake anxiously waiting for them to arrive
My mom got to feed AJ some rice cereal. He is getting a little better at eating it now but is still a big mess. :) I think of him eating like a kitten because when we put the spoon in his mouth he quickly licks it off. :)
AJ snoozing with my Dad :)
Such a cute little sleeper
To bad my son is not relaxed
AJ hanging out with my Aunt Kathy and Amy
This was also the first time that my Aunt Joanie met AJ which was a lot of fun...
...and they seemed to get along real well. :)
Ahhhh...cuddles with GG
When it came time to exchange Christmas Jake helped by passing out the presents. I really enjoyed watching this because that was my job when I was little. So fun to pass that onto my son.
Jake and my dad celebrating the traditional gift that My aunt Joanie gave him - - - M&Ms
Model Santa Pose
Cuddles with Grandma
AJ really seemed to enjoy this reindeer
Piper got a really cool treat that looked like an Italian pastry...and Jake was only too happy to give it to her. :D
Jake was of course hamming it up the entire time and I think made the night even more entertaining for all. :)
Santa Piper
So much love for one little guy...getting attention from Aunt Kathy, Joanie and GG
Ahhh...happily snoozing with his Great Aunt Joanie
This boy got fully covered in Christmas lol
This was onto my Grandma's Birthday celebration for her 90th Birthday. We all went to Embassy Suites for dinner and then the rest of my family stayed there overnight. But we had a bit of a late dinner and so Ryan and I caved and let Jake watch a video during dinner so we could enjoy the celebration. Here is Jake enjoying his video and sharing it with his Grandma.
Our whole family...a good looking bunch :)
GG showing her cake off to Jake
And Jake helping himself to it...for the record neither Ryan and I were present for this. Grandpa and GG were giving him a bit of spoiling.
We had such a wonderful weekend and it was so fun to celebrate Christmas and a huge birthday together. So much fun to see the boys interact with all of their family and make such wonderful memories together. Hope that you all were able to make such memories as well. Until next time :)
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