It was such a wonderful Easter spent with family and its so much fun to create new traditions to do on these holidays with my wonderful boys. Well...back to potty training. lol
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Easter Weekend
For Easter this year we travelled to my parents house and had an amazing time. Jake enjoyed two fun trips to the park, got to have his first Easter egg hunt, the boys went on a boat ride with us (AJ's first and the first one for Jake that he actually remembers), and we spent some of Easter with my Grandma. It was an awesome weekend and we got tons of great pictures that I just now got to sharing....sorry we started potty training Jake and that has taken a lot of our time. :) But he is doing great and we are very proud of him. AJ is also fully a sitter...he is just getting so big. This weekend when all the attention was on Jake he quickly showed off by clapping for the first time, eating his puffs by picking them up between his tumb and pointer finger for the first time and started saying some two letter sounds (nananan, yayayaya, gaga) for the firs time....these boys are not going to be competitive at all :) Now onto those pictures. :)
Switch on my camera went weird here...but I love the picture
My big guy....getting so big and is just so happy
When we got to my parents my dad took Jake down to the dock...he thought it was really cool!!!
When we went to the park there was a Fire Truck and one of the firemen asked Jake if he would like to check it you can see Jake was all over it :)
Whenever we drive by a park Jake always happily yells "slide"...he loves them, so this is not a pose
"Look mom...I got an Easter egg...."
"....what???....there is no candy in it!!!!"
Jake checking out his score
AJ seemed to really enjoy his first Easter Basket as well....glow in the dark pacys, a bib, and a rubber duck...does life get any better than that? :)
A very excited boy :)
Cute boy excited about going on a boat ride
My baby boy out on his very first boat ride
Grandma looks pretty happy here I think :)
Pa even let Jake drive all by himself...he thought he was pretty hot stuff :)
When his brother got a turn (sitting on Pa's lap of course) Jake had to give his brother some pointers.
A natural
So cute :)
AJ loves to drive...a car...a boat...doesn't matter...the boy is just happiest behind the wheel :D
Me and my cool dude :)
AJ at his GG's just enjoying hanging out with his new friends Bunny and Ducky :)
Getting some wonderful GG love :)
Jake, my outdoor boy, quickly found her backyard area and was having a blast with the new golf club and ball that Grandma and Pa had given him...although he kept thinking it was a baseball bat. lol
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Fun Catch Up Pictures
So before I share all of the fun Easter weekend pictures with everyone I wanted to share these great ones. Many are from the birthday/dedication weekend and I was not able to put them on the last blog because there were so many. So enjoy!!! :)
Daddy and AJ just hanging out :)
Its too early to worry about girls...right??? :) (with his friend Victoria)
My cute little boy has been working really hard on his sitting and as this was taken right before Jake's birthday, he was doing pretty well but was still working on his balance as he fell over a lot.
But he was so proud!! :)
AJ loving all the attention from his Grandmas
I love watching these boys play together
Happy boy playing in his exersaucer
Hanging out with Grandma
These are precious moments for me, every night Jake and I curl up on the couch together and read a book...such a great way to end every day
"But momma, I don't want to share my toy."
Such a cute little boy
I forgot to get this picture on the last blog, but it was so cute to see Jake helping his Grandpa put together his new toy with his toy screwdriver (Turner)...he really wanted to help out :)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Jake's Birthday and AJ's Dedication
So on March 17th our big boy Jake turned 3 years old. You read all about our amazing boy in my last entry but here are a few pictures from his wonderful Birthday. His grandparents were here for the weekend and he LOVED having them and mostly his Pa s around to play with. It was a rainy day and so we could not take him to the park like we planned, but he still had a blast exploring Toys R Us, playing in the backyard, having his favorite mac n cheese at El Pollo Loco, receiving an amazing Cupcake Cake from our friend Katie, and being spoiled rotten by his family. I think he had a pretty great day...but see for yourself :)
Jake was sooo excited to see his Mickey Mouse Cupcake Cake from Miss Katie. This year we took him to the party section at Walmart and let him pick out the theme. Was amazed to see him pick Mickey over Cars and Thomas the Train but he was certain and LOVED it!!!!
What an amazing Birthday cake for a 3 year old :)
My two happy guys :D
Jake was so happy to have a break in the rain so he could play outside. An he was loving playing t ball with both his Pa s
And its a hit!!!!!! :)
Jake was pretty excited to see all the packages that he had been given. My big boy sure was spoiled...maybe this means he will stop playing with his brother's baby toys....probably not :)
"Cheese" playing with his new camera
A fun new farmhouse to play with
Jake had a great time "helping" his Pa put one of his toys together
Jake's favorite...a Chuck obstacle course. He loves this thing and honestly plays with it every day.
My sweet amazing boy. This picture just makes me go...ahhhhhhhh.
And his cupcake cake was delicious...and this year Jake was not as big of a mess :) Thank you again Miss Katie!!!
The next day was then in honor of our little AJ as we had him dedicated at our church. We made the promise to raise him to honor and please God. God has blessed us with two amazing little boys and we are so honored to have the joy of raising them as his children.
AJ of course was his cute little self and while he did not know what was going on it was a very special day.
And most amazing of all...both boys did great, stayed at the front of the church, did not cry or yell and behaved wonderfully. :)
It was such a wonderful weekend that I have a bunch more pictures to share, but for now I wanted to get these up. Stay tuned to get more fun pictures of the boys from that weekend!!!
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