Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bring on the Summer and AJ is 10 months!!!

Wow, I really cannot believe that AJ is 10 months old.  Wasn't I just getting up in the middle of the night to have a snack because he was coming via c-section the next day.  Hard to believe.  But he is an amazing little guy, super happy, talkative, loves to play with toys and his brother and wants so badly to move!!!!  No he is not crawling yet, although he is excellent at scootching backwards and piveting he often finds himself stuck on furniture.  :)  He is also able to eat more foods now which he loves.  He adores all of his veggies but Sweet Potatoes are his favorite, loves peaches and pears and is pretty excited about his new additions of chicken and turkey.  Now he just really wants to eat what we are eating...although there is another teeth yet.  Poor little guy.  But I have the feeling they are coming as he has been more than a bit fussy this weekend...time will tell.

Jake is also great...LOVING that its summer time.  He is a major fish and loves playing in his little pool in the backyard and going to the big pool down the street.  I took him yesterday and he had a blast...especially when a lifeguard asked if he would like to play with a kick board.  He really thought he was hot much so that he started flurting with the female lifeguards.  shaking head.  He was yelling "hi guys" and then making motorboat sounds once he got their attention.  Yeah, they thought he was pretty funny.  Oh....I am in trouble with this one.  But we have also been working hard on his verbal and he is doing very well.  Still have a way to go to catch him up but we have been impressed with how he is improving...he even said the word "another" the other day which really impressed me.  But he remains my adorable boy who loves to cuddle (for short times of course), play, build towers, race and crash cars, and goof around with his brother.  And his potty training is still coming along...we are very proud of him.  OK now onto pictures.  :)
 Jake's first time in the water for the never know how they will do...but he walked straight outside and directly in the pool.  I think he had been waiting all winter for this.  :D
One happy boy
Time with Grandma and Grandpa before bed...not sure who is having more fun  :)
This is what happens when you leave your husband and your parents with the baby  :D  And yes he loved it.
I love this picture so much...Adorable Big Brother and Little Brother PJs
AJ watching his favorite tv show...reminds me a lot of his big brother at the same age :)
"Don't blame my mommy for the outfit...I made a mess at breakfast...but I am really happy!!!"
Adorable little Guy
This is so cute...Jake wanted to tuck "Horsey" into bed for a nap of his own.  The funny thing is that this is actually a dog toy that Jake picked out on his own about a year ago for his own...and now AJ loves it to...poor Piper on the other hand never is allowed to touch it.
Jake found that the laundry basket made for a great boat
AJ all ready for a trip to the pool....sadly we did not get pictures of his first trip in the pool...but we will get some later.  He loved it though and happoly spasked while we each held him.  I think he is going to be a fish just like his brother.
A picture of AJ scootching around...he can really get some distance and loves that he is able to get to some of his brother's toys.
The other day I heard AJ unhappily fussing..I came over to see he had gotten a teething ring stuck around his foot.  No idea how he did it but he was not pleased.  hehe

Well I hope that you all have a great 4th of July...Hopefully I will have some more great pictures to share with everyone soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. As always, love these pics. We have so much fun with all of you. Felt special that we got to see Jake use his pool the first time and see on his face how much he enjoyed it. AJ adores his big brother and that is also awesome to watch. What can I say---we have adorable, bright and fun grandsons and are very blessed!!!
