Sunday, December 27, 2015

Fun with Friends and Constant Crazy

Its funny to look back at these pictures because it looks like we are constantly doing things...and we are.  But a lot of it is just what our day to day life now is.  :)  The kids are involved in sports, school, AWANA, Cub Scouts and they have friends to play with.  Then there are those days off where we do special stuff or just enjoy hanging around the house.  Seems like we are always speeding through homework to do something or planning on some activity.  Its a crazy life and I get nervous about how things will be when AJ is older and we have even more but its a life I love!  And I really enjoy seeing the kids enjoy it and have the ability to see and try new things.  Who knows how much of it they will remember, but that is also partly what this blog is for...their future baby/kid books.  :)
Ryan took AJ to a big church garage sale and they picked out these $2 bean bags for each boy, and what a hit!  They both love them and they get constant use!
Every once in a while we are able to do something fun with our old friends the Starr's.  On this day off from school we all went to the OKC Science Museum.  We had just bought a season's pass and had not been yet...and wow what a place!  I am so excited to be able to go during the summer and have a nice air conditioned place to go and hang out while the kids burn some energy!
Most of the Brown Starr crew (we can actually see all of their faces in this picture)...
...and the best we could get of a picture of all six of them.  Hey these are some crazy energetic kids, getting a picture of all of them together is NOT easy.  :)  So fun to get together as Christy and I were friends before either of us had kids...yeah things have changed a little.  :)
Jake walking the tightrope
They are all in there...somewhere :)
Jake LOVED this huge mouth.  He talked about it for weeks afterward.
The packing tape playground was also a favorite.  So many years spent as a packaging engineer...why did I never think to do this?!?!?
The next day (this was during Fall break when the boys had a few days off school) I took the boys to the zoo which is always a family favorite. 
The highlight of this visit was the sea otter.  Normally he is hidden in a log or not out at all, but on this visit he was putting on a show and kept swimming right at and by the boys!
Jake's promotion night at Cub Scouts where he officially became a Tiger Scout!
My handsome guys in uniform
Sometimes I had to put pictures on this blog to capture memories.  My boys ADORE American Ninja Warrior, and often need to practice...using anything they can find.  Here AJ is using the couches :)  Hey I'm least he is not practicing Jumping Spider between our two cars in the garage.  :D
Jake practicing his swing at tball practice.  I love this stick ball amazing at helping out a swing!
Why is this little guy so happy and proud?  We are celebrating him sleeping successfully in big boy underwear for a week.  YESSSSSS!!!!!!
Mommy and her littlest man
Nothing better than watching the boys pour over a bible!  When our church came out with the New Bible App for Kids Bible Book AJ begged us to get one.  The boys already had a kids bible but its really hard to deny your child a bible when he is begging for one.  :)  Really glad we bought it too as AJ loves to read through it all the time and enjoys reading it with us and answering the question at the end of each story.  Love it!!!

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