Thursday, April 30, 2009

6 Week Old Pictures

Sorry for the delay of photos this week but here they are. Jake continues to be an amazing little boy. He is just so happy and occasionally now gives us times full of coos and smiles...we just love it. Yesterday he started to be able to follow us with his eyes which is so cool. It is so much fun to watch him grow and learn every day.

Here is a picture of him during his last you can see he is not too wild about them at this point :)
Jake and me about to go out
Jake in his first pair of Osh Goshes
Daddy's little boy
With his new friend that his Aunt Bethany sent him

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

SLO This Weekend

Hey everyone! For all of you who are still in SLO, we will be in town this Sunday (4/26/09). If any one would like to meet Jake (or see us....), we will be attending the 11 AM service at Grace Church, and then be going out to lunch.

We would love to see all of you, so let us know if you are going to be around!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Giants vs Dodgers

OK, so as many of you know Ryan and I brought an interesting twist into our marriage...he is a Dodger fan and I am a Giants fan. Many wonder how our marriage works. ;) hehe Now that Jake has entered into our lives he has found himself in the middle of this debate...which can also be seen by his wardrobe below. :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

One Month Old!!!

I can hardly believe that my little boy turned a month old seems like we were just at the hospital. But as you can see from the picture above...he is quite the little character. :) He is getting so strong and loves to hold his own head up, although he still does occasionally head butt Ryan and I when he is trying to hold it up and move it around. He is also starting to coo a little more now and it sounds so cute and there are more little grins that are sneaking through now...not sure if they are still gas or they are him..but its darn cute. And he is a wiggly hold him in your arms and he acts like he is trying to go somewhere...he keeps forgetting that he is not really in control of his body yet. hehe But we love this little guy so much and he is a fantastic baby. So happy and has spoiled us rotten by sleeping, eating well and not being terribly fussy.

We met Ryan's group from work at BJ's on Thursday because they all wanted to meet Jake and he was so good. He slept through the first half of lunch and then made everyone happy by waking up so that he could be held and admired. I honestly think he liked all of the attention. :)

Below is a picture that I took yesterday. I was in the back of the house and Ryan was playing with Jake...when I came back this is what I found. hehe I think Daddy tired him out. The bunny was Ryan's when he was little and he has been so nice as to share it with our little man, and the lamb is something that I got for Jake around Christmas and often during my pregnancy I would look at it and look forward to introducing it to the little one wiggling inside of me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!!! :) I hope that you all are having a wonderful day. We are celebrating our first Easter with Jake here at home as its a bit early for us to be traveling and we are enjoying our time of establishing our new family of three. :) This morning we woke up and got Jake ready for church and it being Easter Sunday we wanted his outfit to be special. So we put him in this cute button up shirt, khaki shorts and even little tennis shoes. He really looked like a little man. Even wore a white "undershirt" (really a onesie) so he looked just like Daddy. But here are some pictures of him as we got ready to go to church and then a family picture of the three of us.

Oh and I think I forgot to share earlier this week. We took Jake to his Well Baby checkup this week and he is now 11 lbs 14 oz and is 24 1/4" long. So in two weeks he gained 11 oz and grew 2 1/4"!!! He really does want to be a tall boy. We also gave him his first bath on Friday and well...he was not too wild about it, but it was a new experience for him. But it was a fun thing to be able to do together with Ryan. It is so much fun to have Ryan around all the time these days instead of him having to work. We are really enjoying our 6 weeks...thank you California for giving Dads baby bonding time! :D

Friday, April 10, 2009

Daddy's First Feeding

Last night Ryan got to feed Jake for the first time. I had pumped one bottle the day before when Jake had a marathon sleeping night...he went from about 11:30pm to 5 am. So Ryan then had the ability to feed him and have a little father son bonding. The pictures were so cute that I had to share them. :)

Question for moms out there though...are we supposed to just throw out the left over milk? Not sure if we can rewarm it again or if it is just better to get rid of it. There was not much left anyway and we were just not sure what to do with it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

3 weeks old

Well here we are for our weekly pictures. :D Jake is 3 weeks old today and we also hit a landmark...Jake lost his belly button cord today. Went to change him a little bit ago and it was loose in his pjs. :) So its been a big week as he lost his ring from his circumcision on Friday. Our little boy is already growing up. :)
Today is the first whole day where its just Ryan, Jake and me without the help of our parents. And so far I think we are doing pretty well. :) Our parents were so awesome and each took a week once we were home from the hospital to help us out. After I had a C-section they were an amazing help to me and I do not know what I would have done without them. Now Ryan is off work for his baby bonding time for the next 6 weeks and so now we can have our time and he can help out. But thank you so much Mom(s) and Dad(s)...we love you and you are both so awesome!!!!
I am doing well so far...we are starting to see what I can do right now and so far I can walk around with Jake, take him to his room for a diaper change on the nice high changing table attached to the crib, and with the help of a chair I can sit next to him in the pack-N-play and lift him in and out of it. So I am getting better. :) Would have been a lot easier if my son were not over the 10 lb lifting limit that you have after a c-section. hehe But we are doing great.
And Jake is doing fantastic!!! He is getting stronger and still loves to cuddle. He is still sleeping well and these days is going to sleep at 11, waking at 3 and then sleeping till 6 or 6:30am. So we are still quite lucky.

But here are the pictures that you probably scrolled ahead for anyway. ;)

Dad and Jake, just hanging out :D
Jake in his little sports outfit...even has tennis shoe socks. hehe

Our little boy is quite the mello kid, as can be seen by this picture of him sleeping

I love this picture that his Grandma Brown took, he really is getting stronger and stronger...although he was only able to hold this for about 2 seconds...but it is so cute. Amazing he can do this at 3 weeks.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2 weeks old

Wow, yesterday Jake turned 2 weeks old. So hard to believe but I have absolutely loved my time with him. He is just so adorable and I love watching him grow and experience new things every day. He is such a good little guy and has continued to give Ryan and I sleep and is just such a happy little guy almost all of the time. I am also doing well and am healing well. Getting a little tired of having to take it easy but when I spend it cuddling with Jake it makes it a lot easier. :) are more pictures!!! I know that is what many enjoy the most anyway. hehe
Here is Jake's first time in his swing, he almost looks like a little cowboy with his arm up like it is. hehe But he was not completely sure about it the first time. The second time he loved it and then proceded to fall asleep in it. So I think we are really going to enjoy it.

And here are some of Jake's 2 week old pictures. I love this picture of him in his Grandpa Brown's lap. And I know at this stage what looks like a smile is really just gas...but isn't this just too cute!?!?

Here is a picture of me and my little man after dinner (his), I like to call him "milk drunk" after he eats...but he always seems pretty happy with a full tummy, although as quite the wiggle worm he can be a bit of a challenge to burp properly these days. hehe

And yes Jake really is Daddy's little boy, they love to cuddle when Ryan gets home from work.

And we cannot believe how strong Jake's neck is getting. Every day he can hold his head up just a little better and for a longer period of time. Here is him showing off a bit this morning. :)