Wow, I cannot believe my son is 10 months really does seem like he was just born. Its funny because Jake has always been a big boy and so sometimes its hard to believe that he was ever small. So I was looking through pictures the other day and realized...huh...he was a small little baby at one point. :) Here is an example. I put him in his swing the other day at the upright angle to see if he would like it (luckily we bought a 30 lbs capacity swing) and he did. So of course I took a picture.

Then I looked at a picture of the first time he was ever in the swing...

wow, he was little. hehe
Ahh, but things have definitely changed in the last week. As my past blog showed, a little before he turned 10 months old he decided that he wanted to try out crawling. He still is a bit clumsy with it...especially when he is excited, like chasing after our dog Piper...but he gets it done. For a long time he would only go about 4 strides and then go down on his tummy, but now he goes a little farther and constantly makes it from his play area to the kitchen. I am realizing how easy I had it for a while. :) He also learned to sit up on his own on Jan 3 (his personal birthday gift for Mommy) but then did not do it again. Now he does it all the time and really seems to enjoy crawling somewhere and then popping up to sit and play. One morning I heard him and knew he had waken up so I looked at the video monitor. It took me a bit to realize that I was looking at the top of his head as he was sitting in his crib. Crazy boy. He also pulled himself to standing against the couch for the first time last Saturday...this boy does everything at once. Still not great at that as its a lot of hard work but he is practicing a lot by climbing on Mommy while trying to get to a remote control or phone. I love this boy.
I have also gotten braver and have given him more big people food...I mean he is getting older and some day has to move away from baby food. At this moment he loves vanilla yogurt, bananas, pancakes, hash browns, bread, spaghetti, grilled cheese and Cheerios. I am still feeding him baby food for meals but he gets a couple bites of other stuff as a treat sometimes.
But that is Jake Davis Brown at this point in his history :) Now here are some pictures to enjoy as well. :)

Wow, those "wagon wheels" look really big...I am not sure that Jake can handle those

good thing the child has a big mouth as he is a typical boy and sticks the entire thing in his mouth hehe

This is a state I have found Jake in many times. Grandma and Grandpa Loretz gave him some dump trucks with Mega Blocks in them for Christmas and many times Jake likes to use the little ones as pacifiers. Silly he telling me that his are too small? :)

Oh and my boy LOVES to read, sometimes I find him just like this pulling out one of his favorite books and looking at it on his own on the floor. Sweet Little Man.

And just this once I thought I would give Jake a chance at learning how to drink out of a cup. I took the lid off a sippy cup and put a little bit of water in it. He loved it...although I am not sure how much of the water he actually swallowed. Before we were done with this exercise he was soaked. But man, he really had a good time!
Well have a good week everyone. We are off to North Carolina this weekend to see family and take a nice vacation. Talk to you all again next week!