Sunday, November 15, 2015

Time Before AJ started school and AJ's Birthday!

With AJ not starting school for a few more weeks we had some fun while big brother was at school.  We enjoyed our special time but he was really ready to start school as he had been wanting to finally start for years!!  When Jake started pre-k, AJ would cry that he did not get to go to school too.  :)  And within the first week Jake was back at school, AJ also had his birthday to look forward to as he had for months!  :)  He was about to turn 4 and to him that was major big boy time!!!!
On Jake's first day of school we had AJ's best buddy over for a play date!  They had a great time in this box!
On Saturday morning we woke up to AJ's birthday and wow was he excited!  The first thing that he wanted to do was go garage sale-ing :)  The boy loves and it and requests going most Saturdays, but this was his birthday and we were going to do whatever he wanted. :)
For lunch of course he wanted McDonald's and then to have a picnic with it on the living room floor.  :)
Presents were next, and this Pop of Olaf was something that AJ really wanted.  This is such a classic AJ pose, doing something cute with a little toy or buddy.  :D
Sweet brother thank you hug.  Jake gave AJ the Blaze buddy (after the cartoon) for his gift and of course AJ loved it!!!
Then AJ had a little bit of birthday money and so he wanted to go to Barnes and Noble to pick out a Pop, our boys are somewhat obsessed with them.  :)  He found this really cool Baymax one and was thrilled!!!  Also note that he is now in a big boy booster..covered with cool dinosaurs :)
For dinner he had chosen Olive Garden...if you ask why he is showing you the answer.  I honestly lost count of how many he ate...and he did not eat much of his actual meal.  But he was very very happy.
A fun weekday hanging out in our backyard, while Jake swam AJ played with his new squirt gun.
Then he was excited to play with his bubble sword...this boy loves bubbles!!!
Jake then chose to protect his fortress by playing with the squirt gun.  And yes this slide is a bit small for our boys but they love using it as a climbing structure and are on it all the time.
Wonderful afternoon just having fun playing, AJ with some Playmobile and Jake with Legos.  This is great kid fun and I just love watching them in these moments.
About a week into school Jake and a friend decided they really wanted to ride the bus.  Now this is hilarious if you know that I can literally see the school from our driveway.  But it is across a busy street and so it is offered to our neighborhood.  So both of our families decided that we would let them ride it home in the afternoon.  After all I have a hard enough time getting him to be ready for our later carpool leave way would the bus time 20 minutes earlier work.  So on this day you can see him getting off the bus (at the proper stop I will add).  He thought it was pretty cool and is still enjoying making friends on the bus that also live in our neighborhood. :)
One of the days while Jake was in school we went to the zoo with our friends.  The boys love going to the zoo and on this day were treated to a zoo worker asking the boys if they wanted to help feed the giraffes (for free I might add as you normally have to pay).  The were a bit scared but proud that they did it!  I love these fun days and memories!!!

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