Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Jakes Birthday Part 3
Sorry for the delay everyone...but we have been quite busy. Ryan's sister Bethany got married last weekend and so we were having a wonderful time up in SLO for the big event. :) But lets finish up Jake's birthday first. :) Last I left you, I sent you the video of him destroying his cake at his birthday party. Wow...that really was quite the site. hehe. And well, this may sound crazy but we let him do it again. With his Grandparents here for his real birthday we had to give him a cake to destroy. Although you will notice, we were a little smarter this time and we put a towel over his high chair and stripped him to his diaper. Although I will note that both times he got cake in his diaper. :) But it was a great day...even though I had the crazy idea to get his one year portraits that day...yeah that was a disaster. We ended up having to leave the first time and come back. :( But then we did get some really good ones when we went back. Crazy little bear. :) Well enjoy and I will post again later with some newer pics. :)
"I'm one....yey...and I know what to do with this thing this time!!!" :)
"Take that you silly cake"
The only picture we have of him trying cake...he really does not like it much...although loves to play with it.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Birthday Cake Video
OK folks, hopefully this works. :D The video that you have been waiting for...the total cake destruction. :D
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Jake...The One Year Old Boy!!!
Wow, On March 17th my baby boy turned one....I still cannot believe it. He was just born...wasn't he??? But yes, he is now a one year old little man that has so much character, loves to have fun, cuddle, play with his dog Piper and cuddle with his "mama" and "dada." I love my little Jake so much and it has been a wonderful first year. At this point in his life he is cruising around the furniture and can walk about 10 ft while holding onto our hands, he LOVES bananas and is getting used to some more solid foods, can stack his mega blocks on top of each other, loves trucks, balls and books...and need I say is the most adorable child in the world? :D Oh and what you all must be wondering...he is now 27lbs 4 oz and 32 1/4" long. Yep we grow them big. And he is now doing well at switching over to cows milk. I DID IT...he was nursed until he was a year old...I MADE IT!!!! I have to brag a little because the little guy did not make it easy after a two week nursing strike when he was 4 1/2 months, biting me when he was 9 months (more time off there), and then self weaning at 10 1/2 months. BUT WE DID IT!!! :D
OK, enough of are a ton of pictures for you to enjoy.
Jake coming out to his party last weekend...he was very excited!!!
Playing with his friends David and Abigail.
Chasing after his friends David and Dylan.
Playing with Caden. He really had a great time with all the kids there.
Ahhhh and the cakes. Our friend Katie made the most awesome cakes for his birthday. For all of us she made the most amazing cupcake cake I have ever seen. Isn't it awesome!!!
And for Jake...a really cute smash cake to match our decor. And wow...a big cake...wonder what he will do with that.....

"What is everyone looking at?"
"Ooooooohhhhhhh....thats pretty...for me???
"Hmmmm...this is kinda interesting" (he really did not like eating it...first time with sugar)
OK, enough of are a ton of pictures for you to enjoy.
Jake coming out to his party last weekend...he was very excited!!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
More Fun Times
Wow, a drought of blogs for so long and today you guys get two. :D Pretty good huh? Well for those of you that have not checked out the video that I posted earlier definitely don't miss it...its a keeper. :)
Well first of all I need to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!!! Today is my husbands birthday and sadly he has work all day and then school all night, not a fun way to spend your birthday. But Jake and I were able to "dadnap" him earlier today and go out to lunch which was fun. We will have a great do-over tomorrow hon. But Happy Birthday and we love you very much.
Ah the past couple of weeks have been busy but we have had a lot of fun. We went to see some friends of ours who live in LA and see their baby girl Victoria who was born on October which was so much fun and Jake really enjoyed exploring their apartment. :) We had our wonderful anniversary. Fun events with friends, and now we are getting ready for Jake's cannot believe that 2 weeks from today he will be a year old. Where did the time go? I just held him for the first can this be? :) But it has been such an amazing year and I have loved being a mom with all of its blessings, challenges and sleep deprivation. :) Hehe...naw Jake is a great sleeper...I just miss the sleeping in part of my old life. :) But he is doing so well. Crawling and pulling himself on anything he can find...which sometimes unfortunately includes our dog Piper. hehe But he is so happy and doing so well, we are very proud. We are currently weaning him from his pacy which is a bit challenging but honestly once he gets his attention on something else he does not even miss it. Today he has only had it when he has gone down for a nap...definitely some fussy times but we are doing well. :) Next challenges to come are getting him to drink only from his sippy (progress here on learning to use it with water is pretty good, when he isn't showering the room...still have the little valve thingy out for him), and getting him switched over to cows milk from mama milk on his birthday. I pray that he likes it. :) OK, I guess we can move onto pictures now. Enjoy :)
When we visited our friend's Jason and Alea, we went bowling with Jake for the first time. He did pretty well, although as you can see he was much more interested in Daddy's hat than the game.
Meeting and getting to know his new friend Victoria.
Trying to share his toys with her...cute if you did not see him clunk her in the head with it a moment later.
And this is a view we see a lot these days...out of nowhere he will come up to you and climb up your leg to get your attention. :) With Daddy....
...and with Mommy.
Ahhhh trucks....Jake really loves trucks.
"Where is my puppy?"
Well first of all I need to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!!! Today is my husbands birthday and sadly he has work all day and then school all night, not a fun way to spend your birthday. But Jake and I were able to "dadnap" him earlier today and go out to lunch which was fun. We will have a great do-over tomorrow hon. But Happy Birthday and we love you very much.
Ah the past couple of weeks have been busy but we have had a lot of fun. We went to see some friends of ours who live in LA and see their baby girl Victoria who was born on October which was so much fun and Jake really enjoyed exploring their apartment. :) We had our wonderful anniversary. Fun events with friends, and now we are getting ready for Jake's cannot believe that 2 weeks from today he will be a year old. Where did the time go? I just held him for the first can this be? :) But it has been such an amazing year and I have loved being a mom with all of its blessings, challenges and sleep deprivation. :) Hehe...naw Jake is a great sleeper...I just miss the sleeping in part of my old life. :) But he is doing so well. Crawling and pulling himself on anything he can find...which sometimes unfortunately includes our dog Piper. hehe But he is so happy and doing so well, we are very proud. We are currently weaning him from his pacy which is a bit challenging but honestly once he gets his attention on something else he does not even miss it. Today he has only had it when he has gone down for a nap...definitely some fussy times but we are doing well. :) Next challenges to come are getting him to drink only from his sippy (progress here on learning to use it with water is pretty good, when he isn't showering the room...still have the little valve thingy out for him), and getting him switched over to cows milk from mama milk on his birthday. I pray that he likes it. :) OK, I guess we can move onto pictures now. Enjoy :)
In Honor of the Past Olympics :D
So I am having some serious issues with getting this to work, so hopefully it comes out even though it starts with a black screen. Ryan, Jake and I were having great fun with a box the other day...went on for about 30 minutes. :) Enjoy and stay tuned for more pictures. :)
Monday, March 1, 2010
My Wonderful Husbandy :)
I tried a few times to get a blog together yesterday with pictures and videos but was having technical difficulty. So I will work on that and hopefully get one up soon. But I did not want to wait longer to share what my wonderful Husband did for our anniversary last week. It was our 6 year anniversary and we really had not planned anything because we went out and celebrated it when my parents were in town a couple of weeks before and we had set up to have a friend watch Jake about a week after. But Ryan had some other secret plans. I knew there was some sort of surprise but he would not tell me what it was. Of course he told Jake that morning but I guess he figured an 11 month old would not tell anyone. ;) But after church he looked at Jake and said, "lets take Mommy to her surprise." So we drove to a park near our home and Ryan got out and proceeded to take out an awesome picnic lunch and a blanket....even Jake's little booster chair. It was soooooooooooooooo sweet. We had a wonderful time and we had never gone on a picnic together before, that was not with a big group of people. So it was so romantic and wonderful. Little Jake even seemed to enjoy himself as he amazingly stayed on the blanket and enjoyed attacking the Rubbermaid of crackers that Ryan packed. So cute to see him sit there and munch away. But it was the most amazing day and I love you so much Sweet Boy for making such an amazing surprise for me. :D I love you very much
So then this last Saturday our wonderful friend Katie watched Jake so we could go out. And it was so nice. We had a wonderful dinner at Chili's and then just had fun running a couple or errands the two of us. And hey I don't care what you say....holding hands as you walk into Wal-Mart without a child throwing things out of the cart is very romantic. :) Such a nice evening and nice to have those times just the two of us.
So then this last Saturday our wonderful friend Katie watched Jake so we could go out. And it was so nice. We had a wonderful dinner at Chili's and then just had fun running a couple or errands the two of us. And hey I don't care what you say....holding hands as you walk into Wal-Mart without a child throwing things out of the cart is very romantic. :) Such a nice evening and nice to have those times just the two of us.
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