Well first of all I need to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!!! Today is my husbands birthday and sadly he has work all day and then school all night, not a fun way to spend your birthday. But Jake and I were able to "dadnap" him earlier today and go out to lunch which was fun. We will have a great do-over tomorrow hon. But Happy Birthday and we love you very much.
Ah the past couple of weeks have been busy but we have had a lot of fun. We went to see some friends of ours who live in LA and see their baby girl Victoria who was born on October which was so much fun and Jake really enjoyed exploring their apartment. :) We had our wonderful anniversary. Fun events with friends, and now we are getting ready for Jake's birthday...wow...I cannot believe that 2 weeks from today he will be a year old. Where did the time go? I just held him for the first time...how can this be? :) But it has been such an amazing year and I have loved being a mom with all of its blessings, challenges and sleep deprivation. :) Hehe...naw Jake is a great sleeper...I just miss the sleeping in part of my old life. :) But he is doing so well. Crawling and pulling himself on anything he can find...which sometimes unfortunately includes our dog Piper. hehe But he is so happy and doing so well, we are very proud. We are currently weaning him from his pacy which is a bit challenging but honestly once he gets his attention on something else he does not even miss it. Today he has only had it when he has gone down for a nap...definitely some fussy times but we are doing well. :) Next challenges to come are getting him to drink only from his sippy (progress here on learning to use it with water is pretty good, when he isn't showering the room...still have the little valve thingy out for him), and getting him switched over to cows milk from mama milk on his birthday. I pray that he likes it. :) OK, I guess we can move onto pictures now. Enjoy :)
You guys do such an awesome job with your Blog!!! I have watched Jake bobsled a bunch. It makes me smile. He is such a cutie!!!!
Grandma and Grandpa L