Monday, March 1, 2010

My Wonderful Husbandy :)

I tried a few times to get a blog together yesterday with pictures and videos but was having technical difficulty. So I will work on that and hopefully get one up soon. But I did not want to wait longer to share what my wonderful Husband did for our anniversary last week. It was our 6 year anniversary and we really had not planned anything because we went out and celebrated it when my parents were in town a couple of weeks before and we had set up to have a friend watch Jake about a week after. But Ryan had some other secret plans. I knew there was some sort of surprise but he would not tell me what it was. Of course he told Jake that morning but I guess he figured an 11 month old would not tell anyone. ;) But after church he looked at Jake and said, "lets take Mommy to her surprise." So we drove to a park near our home and Ryan got out and proceeded to take out an awesome picnic lunch and a blanket....even Jake's little booster chair. It was soooooooooooooooo sweet. We had a wonderful time and we had never gone on a picnic together before, that was not with a big group of people. So it was so romantic and wonderful. Little Jake even seemed to enjoy himself as he amazingly stayed on the blanket and enjoyed attacking the Rubbermaid of crackers that Ryan packed. So cute to see him sit there and munch away. But it was the most amazing day and I love you so much Sweet Boy for making such an amazing surprise for me. :D I love you very much

So then this last Saturday our wonderful friend Katie watched Jake so we could go out. And it was so nice. We had a wonderful dinner at Chili's and then just had fun running a couple or errands the two of us. And hey I don't care what you say....holding hands as you walk into Wal-Mart without a child throwing things out of the cart is very romantic. :) Such a nice evening and nice to have those times just the two of us.


  1. Married 6 years and dating before that, and you'd NEVER been on a picnic together?! I'm glad another 6 years didn't pass before you discovered that simple pleasure. That was our 6 month-anniversary of dating date, and has been a repeat favorite of ours.
    And yes, holding hands in a store is romantic, but Walmart will NEVER be romantic!

  2. that is so sweet! i know, i never comment, but i HAD to today because i cannot tell you how many of our dates end up at walmart! part of that is small-town living, and part of that is it's so nice to go without kids!! we've had lots of fun holding hands at walmart. it can be very romantic. :)

  3. It warms our hearts to know that you guys are still romantic "newlyweds." What a sweet thing to do, Ryan and you too Jake.

    Many more happy anniversaries!!!!!

    Mom and Dad
    Eileen and Gary
    Grandma and Grandpa
