Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Spring Fun!

More pictures of all the fun things we did in between :)
 AJ found an awesome Jake and the Neverland Pirates sword at a garage sale
Happy boys enjoying suckers after church... 
they always have to chose between a donut before church or a sucker afterward...its a tough choice :) 
Jake was super excited to get his books.  His Grandma and Pa had given him money to buy books in the next Scholastic flyer that came home from school for his birthday.   He was so excited to pick out so many new books! 
I love driving around our area in Spring and so I finally had to get a picture.  This road is right by our house and its just beautiful!!!  I never stop enjoying its beauty every time I go out, after so long in the desert I just love the green!  :) 
Tball practice 
 What an awesome 1st baseman!
 This was the most exciting day of the tball season!  Jake's Kindergarten teacher came to watch one of the kids games when they were playing another team that had another classmate!  How amazing is that!?!?!?  I can tell you these three were grinning ear to ear all weekend :)
 AJ is starting to get over his fear of mascots!!! :)  He was so brave to take a picture with the OKC Thunder mascot and we were very proud of him!  :)
 AJ earned his first medal playing tball...he was beyond thrilled!
 Our first OKC Dodger game of the season!
 AJ loves the games...well not sure if he likes the games more or all the baseball food.  :)
Me and my Jakey Bear :)  And yes I am wearing an OKC Dodger hat...although I still am Orange and Black inside. :) 
Picture of AJ at his last swim lesson!  Its amazing how far he has come :)

AJ's first Big Boy Swim Lesson!!!

AJ had last taken swim lessons when he was one and at that point could only take Mommy and Me lessons in our area.  He always did really well and so we did not continue them.  So I figured it would be a good time to get him started.  I was trying to get both boys a private lesson together so they could learn a lot in a short time but it ended up taking a while to get.  So, I got AJ started while Jake was in school.  AJ LOVED them.  The kid is a total fish and his teacher was amazed that it was his first lesson.  Jake might be swimming pretty well already but AJ is right behind him.  :)
Getting into the water, AJ loved his teacher 
 Swim classmates
 My big splasher/kicker...they are both very accurate :)
This boy is happiest when in the water 
Although not very sure about being on his back... 
 ...getting better though :)
 Jump Time!!!  Always a favorite
Happy Boy 
And in typical Brown boy fashion...fearless.  This is what you often saw while his fellow classmates took their turns.  He would splash, let go with both hands and turn in circles, dunk underwater...the poor lifeguards.  This is why we have to work to get our boys swimming...because they think they can anyway.  :) 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Easter 2015

Easter this year was a really nice low key day for our family.  We visited a friend's church to see her get baptized and then we came home to enjoy Easter as our family.  Such a great day!
The day of course started with a visit from the Easter bunny
The boys were both excited to both get super hero monster trucks!!!
Then they had to dress up.  :)  But they looked adorable!!!!

My dapper little gentleman
And little GQ dude
Although I did not include this one on Facebook that day.  lol  AJ wanted to pretend he was a dinosaur in one picture :)
Once we got home from church we had an Easter Egg hunt.  It was a bit wet outside though so we had it in the house.  They still had a blast though and had already done one other hunt with their AWANA friends in a big field.  These boys LOVE to hunt and play with those little plastic eggs!
They did a great job at finding them all
Most of my pictures are blurry as they were running around so fast :)
Found one in the Paw Patrol Lookout
The best part...looking at the goodies inside!
Then we died our Easter Eggs
The boys love to do this and would dye 4 dozen eggs if we let them
The finished eggs...Veggie Tales!!!
Had to get a picture of the gang
Then of course we had some craziness  :)  Always a part of our family fun.  Loved our family's Easter and I hope everyone else had a great one too!

Tball Fun and Jake's First Field Trip!

There is a reason I keep falling behind on the blog...and you will continue to see that in all the pictures with all of the things that we have done.  :)  We definitely seem to stay busy and the kids are always having a good time, even when just playing at home.  :)  But lets the pictures do the talking,
I wish I had gotten a better picture of this but it made me laugh how intense AJ was going for the ball.  As the season went on he was always on the ground sliding or diving on the ground and always getting dirty.  :)  He seemed to like it that way.
Love this, AJ is practicing with some of his buddies before a game and you can see Jake and a friend playing in the field behind them...they built quite a few branch castles during the little kids games.  :)
AJ working with one of his coaches on his hitting
I think hitting is both of our boys favorite parts
So this is my fault, I was trying to teach Jake that you point where you throw...well he is taking me literally and so now you can actually see him point with his finger every time he throws the ball.  hehe  We are getting there  :)
Jake at the bat
Funny action shot of Jake swinging at the ball :)
Jake also had his first school field trip!  They went to a place called the Safety Village and all had a wonderful time.  What really warms my heart though is that I was not able to go on either field trip they had this year, however I had dear friends take a bunch of pictures for me.  It was so wonderful to be able to look at them that afternoon and see what a wonderful time Jake was having.  We have such dear friends here and I feel so blessed!!!
They loved these little cars, Jake would not stop talking about them for days!!!
Jake and his buddy Blake
Jake, Blake and Sadie
Jake tells me he was supposed to go out this window...hoping that was the case :)
Jake's class a the end of the day...I heard it was a hot one as you can tell from this pic :)
About this time we also got Jake's class picture!  Kindergarten with Mrs. Bovos was a wonderful year and he had such a wonderful class!!!  I was lucky enough to help out once a week at his classroom and I had so much fun seeing Jake and his friends all at school and getting to know his teacher better.  Such a wonderful thing to be able to do and I am so thankful for the opportunity to enjoy these times!  Also thankful that his teacher let me bring AJ around each time, he LOVED it and in all honestly became the class mascot.  hehe :)