Sunday, June 21, 2015

Jake's 6th Birthday Celebration!

For Jake's birthday this year we told him that since we were out of town for his actual birthday we would still have a party for him but we would just do it after vacation.  So he was super excited as he had something special in mind.  :)  We told him he could do a little bit more if he was willing to just pick 3 friends (not counting his brother) and then we could all have fun.  So what did he pick?  :)  Well he decided he wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese and play a bunch of games, then go pick up Happy Meals at McDonald's, and bring them home to have a picnic in the living room...followed by cake of course.  :)  It was a pretty great plan and everyone had a blast!  I think he chose well for his 6th Birthday.  :)
His totally cool Batman cake...turns out he picked the theme completely off this cake.  :)
Happy 6 year old
And it begins!
The boys anxiously waiting for their tokens
These boys all had so much fun and were all over the place...I think together they played almost everything!
AJ of course decided he needed to jam on the guitar for a while
Batman game...pretty appropriate for a Batman themed party
Good buddies from pre-k the previous glad they are still friends :)
And of course Jake and Grant!  :)
There was a lot of excitement around this game
AJ getting REALLY intense on this game
Such a great group of boys!  I am so happy that Jake is blessed with such awesome friends, and AJ of course adores all of them!  :)
Food time!!!
The McDonald's picnic!!!
Love that they all decided to squeeze onto the bench cute
Now its serious cake eating time!
Jake really loved his rainbow Batman really was delicious!!!
AJ...well we will work on forks more later...they just slow him down when it comes to cake :)
Jake had a really great time with his friends and it was such a special little party with some really great kids!  Perfect way to celebrate turning 6!!!

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