Thursday, May 28, 2009
One more pic for today
Ok so I know I just put in an entry just hours ago but I have been getting too many Dodger comments. :P I have got to be more careful watching what Jake is wearing when I take pictures. So here for my own happiness is a picture of Jake from yesterday in a Giants outfit. :D Ahhh...I feel better now. hehe Oh and in answer to a friend's question. Jake has been wearing 3 month clothes but I just got the 6 month clothes out this week because he was starting to grow out of his onesies...they were not long enough all of a sudden.
My Growing Boy
Well Jake is now a little over 10 weeks old...he has now gone to double digits. Crazy. An even crazier is the fact that is he growing like a weed. I took him to his 2 month appointment last Friday and found out that he is now 15 lbs 9 oz and 26 1/2" long. He had grown 1 1/2" in two weeks. Jake is going to be 9' tall if he does not slow down soon. :) But he survived the rest of the appointment very well, screamed with all his might during the shots but then calmed down immediately as soon as I held him. So he is my brave little boy.
Although there is something else that I personally am finding a little alarming...I think he is figuring out how to roll onto his left side while lying on his back. He did it at 3 weeks but we could tell from his face that he was as surprised as we were. But last week after I finished my blog entry I took my eyes of him for a minute and when I looked at him again he was lying on his side...I knew I had put him on his back. But I told myself that it was a fluke as he is only 2 months old. Well then he did it again on Saturday, did it again on the changing table on Sunday and again yesterday. Not a constant thing but I am starting to think its a bit too often for a fluke. He is too young to be figuring things out like that!!!
Oh well, he sure is growing fast. :) But here are some pictures from the week to enjoy.
We have recently discovered that he likes to sit propped up in the corner of the couch. Our big boy. :) And he loves to grab his blankie now and play with it...constantly pulling it off his feet and then becoming upset later when they are cold.
A recent bath picture, he is starting to get a little better with them, although he still hates to have his face washed. Isn't it cute how is is adoringly looking at his daddy?!?
Although there is something else that I personally am finding a little alarming...I think he is figuring out how to roll onto his left side while lying on his back. He did it at 3 weeks but we could tell from his face that he was as surprised as we were. But last week after I finished my blog entry I took my eyes of him for a minute and when I looked at him again he was lying on his side...I knew I had put him on his back. But I told myself that it was a fluke as he is only 2 months old. Well then he did it again on Saturday, did it again on the changing table on Sunday and again yesterday. Not a constant thing but I am starting to think its a bit too often for a fluke. He is too young to be figuring things out like that!!!
Oh well, he sure is growing fast. :) But here are some pictures from the week to enjoy.
We have recently discovered that he likes to sit propped up in the corner of the couch. Our big boy. :) And he loves to grab his blankie now and play with it...constantly pulling it off his feet and then becoming upset later when they are cold.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Jake and Mommy week
Well this week had been the first week that Ryan returned to work and so many things have changed. Ryan has to work long days, still go to school and has much less time with little Jake. I am getting less sleep. And Jake and I are figuring out how to get everything done just the two of us. :) The biggest concern for me was taking showers as I would not have Ryan there to watch him. Luckily a friend of mine loaned me her bouncy chair and so I can put Jake in there while I shower. I is working pretty well although my dear son does not seem to like me in the shower too much. He will be happy and playing for a little bit and then will start to fuss and cry. So I hurry out of the shower and talk to him and then he is happy as a clam. In fact this morning he actually fell asleep...he couldn't have done that while I was still enjoying my shower? lol But he is getting smarter and smarter every day. This week we have been having a lot more play time as I noticed he was kicking and swinging his arms madly when I would change I figured the activity mat might be enjoyed a little more right now. And I was right. He first enjoyed just laying there and swinging his limbs around like a crazy person...not really meaning to hit any of his toys. But today he started grabbing at them and holding on to them. WOW Yesterday I had read that if you put your hands behind their feet during tummy time they can actually push off your hands and "creep" across the floor. To my amazement Jake could actually move forward a little. We have a small mat but I actually had to pull him back a bit before he got onto the carpet a couple of times. I am amazed at how fast he is learning. :) But here are some new pics for the week. :)
A possible answer to our favorite baseball team...make Jake an Angels fan. :)

One of the last times Ryan gave Jake a bottle he decided he wants to learn how to hold it.
Jake asleep in the bouncy chair (thank you Christy)

A possible answer to our favorite baseball team...make Jake an Angels fan. :)
One of the last times Ryan gave Jake a bottle he decided he wants to learn how to hold it.
Jake playing on his activity mat and grabbing one of the hanging toys
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Jake's first fancy pictures
Yesterday we took Jake to JCPenny's and got 8 week pictures taken of him. We got many wonderful pictures which we feel is quite lucky. You see Jake had a rough morning and so we had to give him a last minute bath before we left so he fell asleep right before we got to the mall. So we had to wake him up when he got there and he was not to happy about that. Then half way through the pictures he blew out his diaper. lol...we will never forget our first pictures of Jake. But like I said we still got some great ones that you can see some of below.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cool Man Jake
A friend of mine told me a while ago to get Jake used to wearing hats and sunglasses while he was still so little so that when he is a little older and needs to be protected from the sun he will be happy with them. Still need to get a picture of him in his new baseball cap that his Grandma (Loretz) gave him but here are some in his new shades. hehe He looks pretty cool don't you think? :D

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
8 Weeks and a Wonderful Weekend
Well this last weekend we took a trip to my parents house in Discovery and we had a great time. On Thursday we were lucky enough to be able to work plans together with our friends Melissa, Steve and their daughter Kadence so that we could get together and introduce them to little Jake. We had a really great time and it was fun to see the kids together for the first time. Then we stayed the rest of the weekend and were lucky enough to spend Mother's Day in such a beautiful place. It was a really nice day and so special to have my first Mother's Day to celebrate having such an adorable son. I really am a very lucky mom. :) And we survived a long car ride with minimal damage which was really good. :) Jake was awake most of the time but was pretty good and only blew out his diaper once (which required a new outfit and mopping up the car seat before we could go on hehe)
And then today is also 8 weeks from when Jake was born. It amazes me how fast the time is going. But he is just so amazing and I love watching him. This weekend he was his happy smiley self even trying out his little giggle a few times for my parents. He also grabbed a toy out of my hand which surprised the heck out of me...I honestly think it surprised him too. But at 8 weeks he loves his swing, cuddling with anyone who will hold him, can hold his head up and loves to "sit" on his daddy's lap (with a teeny bit of help), and can follow us around with his eyes...when he is not absolutely enthralled with the ceiling. :) So here are some new pictures to be enjoyed.
Group picture with our friends Melissa, Steve and little Kadence
Jake and will be so much fun as they grow and can start to play with each other
And then today is also 8 weeks from when Jake was born. It amazes me how fast the time is going. But he is just so amazing and I love watching him. This weekend he was his happy smiley self even trying out his little giggle a few times for my parents. He also grabbed a toy out of my hand which surprised the heck out of me...I honestly think it surprised him too. But at 8 weeks he loves his swing, cuddling with anyone who will hold him, can hold his head up and loves to "sit" on his daddy's lap (with a teeny bit of help), and can follow us around with his eyes...when he is not absolutely enthralled with the ceiling. :) So here are some new pictures to be enjoyed.
Group picture with our friends Melissa, Steve and little Kadence
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
7 weeks old
Today Jake is 7 weeks old and he is just amazing us with all of his cuteness and things he is learning. He is smiling a lot more often right now and it is just so darn cute. He also is figuring out how his toy rattle works. At this point we need to put it into his hand but the first time that we did it he figured out that he could shake it on his own. He seemed to have a great time until he knocked his pacy out with it and then in his shock dropped the rattle...lets just say he was not very happy with himself...and he did it twice in a row. lol He is also holding his head up like a champ this week and is much better at it all of a sudden while on his tummy. And the poor boy welcomed himself into the real world this week by getting his first cold. He did not seem to mind the stuffy nose that much but seems to really dislike coughing. And in the last week we thought he may have an allergy to me drinking milk but today we took him to the doctor and he said that is was probably just the virus that he had in his system from being sick. So that would be fantastic as I had been cutting out all dairy in the last week and well...its rough. :)
I love my little boy so much, this morning he woke up with a smile on his face and it just starts the day off wonderfully. :)

I love my little boy so much, this morning he woke up with a smile on his face and it just starts the day off wonderfully. :)
So that is my adorable little boy. Here are some new pictures of his accomplishments for the week.
Jake with his toy rattle
Sitting on Dad's lap :) Ryan was helping him sit but Jake was holding his own head up with very little problem. Now Ryan is starting to give him standing lessons. hehe
We also introduced Jake to his high chair. I had picked this one out because it rocks way back and so you can use it as a chair for a newborn....great to have while working in the kitchen so I can keep an eye on him an visa versa. :) As you can see here, this is one of the times he is keeping an eye on me.
And here is my little Jake Man playing on his activity mat. At this point he does not have the patience or strength to enjoy it for long but it makes him happy for a little bit.
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