Today Jake is 7 weeks old and he is just amazing us with all of his cuteness and things he is learning. He is smiling a lot more often right now and it is just so darn cute. He also is figuring out how his toy rattle works. At this point we need to put it into his hand but the first time that we did it he figured out that he could shake it on his own. He seemed to have a great time until he knocked his pacy out with it and then in his shock dropped the rattle...lets just say he was not very happy with himself...and he did it twice in a row. lol He is also holding his head up like a champ this week and is much better at it all of a sudden while on his tummy. And the poor boy welcomed himself into the real world this week by getting his first cold. He did not seem to mind the stuffy nose that much but seems to really dislike coughing. And in the last week we thought he may have an allergy to me drinking milk but today we took him to the doctor and he said that is was probably just the virus that he had in his system from being sick. So that would be fantastic as I had been cutting out all dairy in the last week and well...its rough. :)
I love my little boy so much, this morning he woke up with a smile on his face and it just starts the day off wonderfully. :)
So that is my adorable little boy. Here are some new pictures of his accomplishments for the week.
Jake with his toy rattle
Sitting on Dad's lap :) Ryan was helping him sit but Jake was holding his own head up with very little problem. Now Ryan is starting to give him standing lessons. hehe
We also introduced Jake to his high chair. I had picked this one out because it rocks way back and so you can use it as a chair for a newborn....great to have while working in the kitchen so I can keep an eye on him an visa versa. :) As you can see here, this is one of the times he is keeping an eye on me.

And here is my little Jake Man playing on his activity mat. At this point he does not have the patience or strength to enjoy it for long but it makes him happy for a little bit.

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