Friday, October 17, 2014

A Hero and his Crocodile

Yes this title will make more sense further down.  :)  I have to come up with so many titles that I felt like doing something different.  :)  This post brings us back up to current times...woohooooo!!! :)  Right now we are enjoying a lazy morning as Jake is on Fall Break, I love having him home all day again and AJ is thrilled to have his brother to play with all day.  :)  They are so cute playing with each other, they really are brothers that are also best buddies.  :)  Tomorrow we are going to take the kids to a pumpkin patch to pick out their pumpkins.  My boys favorite fall activity.  But they are also SUPER excited for Halloween and both ask me every day if it is here yet...that title making more sense yet?  :)
Both boys started AWANA in September and AJ was beyond excited that he finally gets to go too.  He has wanted to go with his big brother the last couple of years.  I often get to the church as the Cubbies are coming back from game time and seeing AJ walk back in a single file line with his little friends is beyond cute.  :)
Jake was being goofy showing off his Sparky book.  Jake loves being a big kid and going to Sparkies :)
Jake had his back to school picnic one night and we all enjoyed going.  It was catered by Chick Fil A!
AJ loves being a part of anything at big brother's school :)
There were a ton of kids on the playgrounds...but of course my monkeys had to jump in
Jake enjoyed just hanging around :)
Last swim of the season, we were literally draining the pool as I took this picture.  Jake was really bummed that we had to take it down, but the water was getting so cold that he really did not want to be in it long anyway.  And AJ was smart enough to dip a toe and say no way am I going in there...its cold (or Hot as he would say now since he has the two mixed up hehe)
My goofball AJ
Jake and his countdown chart.  Ryan has had to travel for work a lot lately and one of his last trips Jake made this countdown chart to when daddy would come home.  He asked me to take his picture so I could send it to Daddy so he would know too.  :)
I always check on the boys before I go to bed and when I checked on AJ I had a hard time finding him...this was why.  :)  I have to admit that it was really hard not to laugh at my adorable sleeping son at this moment.  :)
Can you believe my boys had never had a Slurpee from 7-11?  I took them after we got their flu shots...yeah they were a little bitter at mommy and so I did this to give them smiles worked :)
Jake said it made him feel all better :)
A hero and his crocodile....get it??!?!!  :)  We were trying on costumes the other night :)
AJ at this moment says he wants to be a crocodile...he has been changing his mind like crazy.  Luckily we have a bunch of super hero dress up costumes and this one from Jake when AJ was a baby (yes it made me sniff sniff)  But when AJ wears it he runs around saying "tick tock" after the Crocodile that chases Captain Hook around :)
Spiderman...the world is now safe!
Ahhhh...isn't he cute :)
Spiderman's identity revealed!!!
One of those afternoons where I was peaking through the window watching father and son playing together outside.  It was too cute. :)

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