Monday, January 23, 2017

Fun Trip to Branson MO

After school started we decided to take another trip to Branson before the winter months set in.  And with the crazy schedule just starting it was just nice to get away and spend some time together as a family.  Branson is always a favorite for our family and this time we were going to stay in town and take the boys to a couple shows.  So it was going to be a different but very fun trip!
 We had always wanted to go to this place and on this trip we drove by at dinnertime, so we decided to make a stop.  And the boys loved catching the attention of the roll servers and catching them as they came flying. :)
The food was amazing too!
 Of course we had not been there an hour before the kids HAD to go for a swim :)
 The next day before another swim AJ really wanted to play on the swings
 And Jake wanted to shoot a few baskets
 Our first show...the Haygoods!  It was a great show and the kids loved the glowing guitars at the end.  AJ was amazed and the beautiful princess playing the harp who also happened to be covered in lights.
AJ really wanted one of these bears as his trip souvenir and of course when his brother saw them he felt the same. :)
Man this kid is cute :D
 And yes this one is too...we are lucky parents. :)
 Although when you let them stay up past 10 to see a show...strange things happen to them and they start to act crazy
The beautiful view from our patio in Branson
 We had to make a trip to our favorite restaurant at Big Cedar for their pulled pork nachos and corn bread
 Yeah, vacation is rough ;)
 Me and my little man
Me and my bigger little man
Jake took this picture...he is getting to be a good photographer
 Of course another swim was needed.  The place had a couple beach balls at the pool this trip and the boys fell in love with playing with them.
 A night of lazy...and also all the boys on their electronics.  I on the other hand was reading a book on the patio :)
 The boys HAD to try out this fancy tub while we were there.  They loved that it made a TON of bubbles!
 On our way home we stopped by Costco and the boys got to know these friends. :)
They really liked that the bears were bigger than they were.  Such a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hair can also be transplanted to the bald areas. Hair is harvested from a section of the skin which has been cut off. The cut skin is usually taken from the back of the head which has stronger and more resistant hair. The skin contains healthy keranique reviews hair follicles. These follicles are split into individual sets called follicular units. These units are then implanted into the bald areas. Although, the follicles may undergo shock because of the change in environment they soon adapt and resume their growth cycle.
